The nutritional value of bread crumbs

Bread crumbs are a widely used food additive for fried food surfaces such as fried chicken, fish, seafood (shrimp), chicken legs, chicken wings, and onion rings. Its fragrant, crisp, soft, delicious and nutritious.

[calories]: The calories generated by food are calories. The calories used in nutrition are kcal, and the calories are the calories needed to make one kilogram of water rise by one degree Celsius. 1 gram of protein in the body absorbs and oxidizes to produce 4 kcal of calories, 1 gram of sugar in the body absorbs and oxidizes to produce 4.1 calories, and 1 gram of fat absorbs and oxidizes in the body to produce 9.3 kcal of calories. From the above figures, the calorie content of food can be calculated from its composition. For example, for every two loaves, there are 11.1 grams of carbohydrates, 0.6 grams of fat, and 3.1 grams of protein, then 1 pound of bread. The heat generated is as follows:

【Carbohydrates】: 16×11. 2×=716. 8 kcal

[fat]: 16×0. 6×9=86. 4 kcal

Protein: 16×3. 1×4=198. 4 kcal

[total]: 1001. 6 kcal