Gourd gourd, also known as gourd, papaya, night flowering, and large gourd, is a variant of the calabash family's annual climbing herb, stalks, leaves, heart-shaped, alternate, summer and autumn, white flowers, the shape of the fruit varies by species, Specifically, it is divided into scorpions, gourds, gourd gourds, and flat gourds. Native to southern Africa. China has been cultivated since ancient times and is now a popular food for folk summers. Hulu melon is a vegetable that can eliminate swelling and moisturize the skin.
Gourd gourd is cultivated everywhere, tender fruit can be eaten, old can not eat. Relative to other fruits and vegetables, the nutritional value is lower.
Nutrition analysis
Chaenomeles contain proteins and many trace elements that help enhance immune function. At the same time, it is rich in vitamin C, can promote the synthesis of antibodies, improve the body's anti-virus ability. Two kinds of trypsin inhibitors can be isolated from the melons and have inhibitory effect on trypsin, which can play a hypoglycemic effect. Carotenoids are found in a large amount in pods, which can prevent the synthesis of carcinogens in the human body, thereby reducing the formation of cancer cells and reducing the incidence of human cancers, thus playing a role in preventing cancer and cancer.