Colorful Impatiens

Middle name: Colorful Impatiens scientific name: Impatiens balsamina L. Family family: Impatiens Impatiens is a morphological characteristic: it is an annual herb. Plants 15-50 cm high, much branched, succulent, crisp, green grass. Leaves alternate, narrowly lanceolate, 6-10 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, papery, green, leaf margin shallowly dentate. The flowers are solitary or clustered in the leaves, with double petals, rich flowers, and a large amount of flowers. Flowering: Year-round. Growth habits: Impatiens are native to South Africa and are widely cultivated throughout the world. It is warm, humid, sunny, sunny, and enjoys great water, good drought, summer heat and humidity, and optimum temperature of 18-25°C.

Real Time Pcr

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