The main symptom is the ear. The onset of disease begins in the early stages of grouting, with the initial glume changing from green to brown or gray, and the embryonic axis becoming gray and dark. The junction of the glume and branch stems gradually changed from red to dark red, followed by necrosis or desiccation, resulting in smaller pods and smaller open glume. Grain surface shrinks, dark color, low smoothness. Irregular red spots sometimes appear on branches. The first episode of mild lightness occurs, and the severe whole ear develops.
Pathogen Penicillium oxalicum Currie et Thom called Penicillium oxalicum and Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl. Chains are called, are all fungi of the subphylum Fungi. Penicillium oxalicum is predominant, and Alternaria is a parasitic disease causing sorghum and panicles. P. oxalicum colonies are flat, velvety, dark green, forming a shell, the back of a colorless, light yellow to pink, small stems generally 6-10, size 9-153-3.5 (um). Spikes are elliptical, smooth, and size 4.5-6.53-4 (um). In addition to damaging sorghum, maize seedlings can also be infested.
Transmission routes and conditions The common soil bacteria of this strain are infested during flowering and grain filling of sorghum. When invading a branch or umbilical site, it impedes the transport of carbohydrates from the stems and leaves to the grain, causing the grains to rot or become lighter and smaller. Can also be contacted by disease, health spike contact infection.
Control methods (1) Anti-smut and anti-paecilomyces blight of Jinza 12, Jinza 11, Jinzhong 405, Kang 4 and Jinza 86-1 were selected according to local conditions. (2) Spray 50% carbendazim WP 800 times or 50% benomyl WP 1500 times, 36% thiophanate-methyl suspension 600 times, 70% methylthiobacillus at the early flowering stage. Ling Micro WP 1000 times, 65% Tamyroxin WP 1000 times, 50% Polymyxin WP 800 times.
Electric Heating Cape is quite similar to Electric Over Blanket. Their main difference is the shape. Heating cape is more like a clothes.
People can wear it during a cold night, and choosing the suitable heat setting to keep warm, as it has adjustable 4 temperature settings.
Heating cape is also not suggested to be used during sleeping.
It also has the function of automatic shut off, normally it is set up by 2 hours, which is approved to be the best for human health.
Below image as reference:
Electric Heating Cape
Electric Heated Lady Cape, Warmer Heated Cape, Fashion Winter Heated Cape, Adjustable Heated Cape
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