Japan's Omron HealthCare company on September 1, 2011, an average of 15 seconds to complete the body temperature measurement of the electronic thermometer "Omron electronic thermometer MC-680 'measuring temperature". This is a predictive thermometer that compares the temperature and temperature changes at the beginning of the measurement with the temperature profile stored in the MCU and predicts the equilibrium body temperature (the temperature in the deep part of the body without temperature changes). The price is 2,625 yen.
This product utilizes the analysis and calculation technology developed by Omron for high-speed arithmetic processing, so it can predict and display the equilibrium body temperature after about 10 minutes at an average speed of 15 seconds. In addition, after predicting the body temperature, if you continue to clamp the thermometer to your armpit, the thermometer will start measuring the actual body temperature.
The new product is equipped with a function to inform the user of the end of the body temperature measurement by sound and illumination. By combining the high and low sounds, the old man can also clearly hear the sound of the "buzzer" after the end of the body temperature measurement. At the same time, the indicator light next to the LCD screen will flash to inform the user that the temperature measurement has ended. Even if the sound from the buzzer is not heard, the user can confirm whether the temperature measurement is finished according to the blinking condition of the indicator.
The temperature sensing portion has a shape in which the tip is rounded. The body temperature can be accurately obtained in a short time, and it is not easy to deviate from the underarm.
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