Morphological characteristics
1. Evergreen small trees or shrubs. Branches have short stiff thorns, smooth twigs, and purple-red. Leaves alternate; shortly stipitate, wingless or slightly impressed, with no joints between leaves; oblong or obovate oblong leaves, 8-15 cm long, 3.5-6.5 cm wide, apex obtuse or shortly sharp Tip, base wide wedge, serrated edges, translucent oil glands. Racemes, 3-10 Peanuts in leaf axils; bisexual flowers degenerate into male flowers due to pistil, shortly stipitate; calyx shallowly cupular, upper 5-lobed; petals 5, inner white, outside lavender, stamens 30-60; Pistil 1, ovary 10-13, ovules numerous in each compartment, styles hypertrophy, persistent, stigma capitate. Citrus fruit oblong, ovate or subglobose, long 10-25cm, papillary protrusions at the apex, rough or smooth skin, lemon yellow when cooked, aromatic, pods small; seeds oval, smooth surface. Flowering in April, fruit ripening from October to November.
2. Evergreen small trees or shrubs, [1] 9-11m high. The whole plant is glabrous and has short spines. Leaves alternate; petiole sinuate and broadly winged, ca. 1/3-l/4 as long as leaf blade; leaf blade leathery, elliptic or oblong, 5-12 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, apex short and obtuse or Acuminate, slightly concave, base obtuse, entire or undulate serrate, glabrous on both sides, translucent glands. Flowers solitary or clustered, but also racemes, flowers white; stamens 25-36; ovary 10-11 rooms. Citrus fruit oblong, round or oblate, transverse diameter of 5-9cm, papillary protrusions at the apex, pericarp usually rough and wrinkled or smooth, mature orange, aroma; most of the seeds. Flowering from April to May, fruit ripening from October to November.
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