Popular science: long-term lack of consciousness may make the brain "eaten"

Popular science: long-term lack of consciousness may make the brain "eaten"

June 12, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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A new study sounds alarms for people with chronic sleep deprivation: prolonged sensation can overreact the brain's clean-up mechanism, "eaten" brain cells and increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

An international research team recently reported in a new issue of the Journal of Neuroscience that they have found through animal experiments that a long-term lack of consciousness can cause the brain to "clean up" glial cells to be overactive and cause damage to the brain.

If the brain is likened to a complex circuit network, the synapse is the connection point between the lines. This net is maintained by glial cells, which ablate unwanted synapses, engineer nerve cell connections, and microglia clean up damaged brain cells and debris.

The researchers grouped the rats into a state of adequate sleep, short-term susceptibility, and long-term susceptibility. It was found that lack of sleep significantly enhanced the activity of the above two glial cells in the mouse brain.

In the short term, active glial cells may accelerate the clean-up of harmful cellular debris and rebuild “wear and tear” neural networks, which is good for brain health. However, in the long run, over-cleaning may damage the brain and increase Alzheimer's disease. The risk of disease. Previous studies have found that microglia are active for a long time in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

It is unclear whether complementation can compensate for damage to the brain, and the researchers plan to further investigate how long the effects of the susceptibility will last.

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