Polymers will solve the problem of drug-resistant super bacteria
March 12, 2018 Source: Sina Pharmaceutical
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The team from IBM Research and the Singapore Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) created a new class of synthetic polymers and hopes to treat five deadly resistant bacteria. Although this method is not new, other previously tried methods have encountered some obstacles, such as the non-biodegradable nature of the material may lead to toxic accumulation of polymer in the body. James Hedrick of IBM Research wrote in a blog post that some polymers are difficult to target multiple bacterial strains.
The synthetic high molecular polymer composite made by IBM is called a polymer of hydrazine-functionalized polycarbonate, which can be therapeutically applied by binding to bacterial cells and then transporting through the cell membrane to the cytoplasm. Once the composition enters the cell, they cause precipitation of the cell contents (such as proteins and genes) or deposition in solid form, eventually killing the bacterial cells for healing purposes.
The researchers tested the efficacy of the drug in mice infected with five different superbugs, including E. coli and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA, as well as mice that were systemically infected. In mice treated with synthetic polymer composites, the associated bacteria were eliminated and bacterial infections were effectively treated with only "negligible" toxic side effects. This series of research findings was published in the journal Nature Communications.
According to the Antimicrobial Resistance Report, super bacteria cause about 700,000 deaths each year. If the resistance of super bacteria continues to deteriorate further in the future, the number of deaths from bacterial infections may increase to 10 million per year. At present, super bacteria have begun to defeat the strongest first-line antibiotic polymyxin, which is currently used to treat patients with drug-resistant bacteria.
Researchers are looking for new antibiotics for treating drug-resistant bacterial infections or working to improve the treatment of existing antibiotics. A research team led by Rutgers University has discovered a new antibiotic produced by microorganisms in Italian soil that can be used against bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotic rifampicin. Scientists at the University of Queensland conducted a new study on antibiotic vancomycin and found it to have anti-MRSA and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) potential.
Rockefeller University's research team created a new molecule called "lysibodies," a mixture of human antibodies and lysins that bind to carbohydrates on the cell wall. These human embryonic mixtures attach to bacterial cells and trigger an immune response to destroy the bacteria. Canadian researchers are trying to study and contain mechanisms and pathways to supply energy to more than 20 pathogens.
Genomic analysis by the IBM team showed that bacteria did not develop resistance to their polymers even after multiple treatments. Scientists are now looking for suitable institutions to reach drug partnerships, hoping to develop polymers into antimicrobial therapies. (Sina Pharmaceutical Compilation / Fan Dongdong)
Article, image reference source: Synthetic polymers could be the silver bullet for multidrug-resistant superbugs
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