A targeted drug that prevents breast and lung cancer

A targeted drug that prevents breast and lung cancer

March 29, 2018 Source: Biological Exploration of: Tierna

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Dr. Liby and Dr. Jamie Bernard of Michigan State University tested a drug based on two studies published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research to prevent breast cancer and lung cancer caused by genes associated with obesity and prevent the growth of these cancers. .

Breast cancer and lung cancer continue to be the two leading causes of cancer death in women. Because of the limited success in reducing the high mortality rates of these diseases, new drugs and methods are urgently needed, and cancer prevention can be an effective strategy in preclinical and clinical research.

I-BET 762 is a novel bromine domain inhibitor that reversibly targets BET (bromine and exo-) proteins and impairs its ability to bind acetylated lysine on histones, thereby disrupting downstream transcription. This inhibitor has anti-inflammatory effects and induces growth arrest of various cancers, and is currently undergoing clinical trials for cancer treatment.

Dr. Liby and Dr. Jamie Bernard found that I-BET 762 significantly delayed the development of tumors in preclinical breast and lung cancer mouse models. This drug not only induces tumor cell growth arrest and down-regulates the expression of c-Myc, pstat 3 and pERK proteins, but also alters the immune population of different organs. These results demonstrate the potential application of I-BET 762 in the prevention of cancer and suggest that the significant effect of I-BET 762 is the result of targeting tumor cells and the tumor microenvironment.

1. Inhibition of c-Myc gene

The c-Myc gene is an oncogene that is induced by visceral fat. Visceral fat is found around the internal organs of the body, while subcutaneous fat is located under the skin. This visceral fat is dangerous to health.

A study led by Dr. Karen Liby, an associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology, found that I-BET 762 showed signs of delaying the development of breast and lung cancer by acting on an oncogene called c-Myc.

Dr. Liby said: "I-BET 762 prevents the c-Myc gene from being expressed by targeting DNA, and then inhibits some important proteins in cancer and immune cells. Finally, we reduce the number of cancer cells in mice by 80%."

2 , reduce pstat 3 level

The pstat 3 protein is a special protein that plays a crucial role in the process of cancer cells, which can be activated in immune cells and prevent immune cells from resisting cancer invasion. This aggressive protein may also overproduce in cancer cells and act as a barrier to ultimately protect the tumor.

Dr. Liby pointed out: "In our study, the pstat 3 levels in both cells were reduced by 50%."

3. Acting on human precancerous cells

Jamie Bernard, assistant professor of pharmacology and toxicology, applies Dr. Liby's findings to precancerous cells that may develop into tumorigenicity.

Dr. Bernard said: "We directly observed the effects of I-BET 762 on human cells that may cause cancer, and found that I-BET 762 drugs prevented more than 50% of these cells from becoming cancerous."

4 , research direction

“Almost 500,000 new cancers are associated with obesity. There is evidence that visceral fat and high-fat diets increase cancer risk; although cancer treatment currently helps reduce cancer mortality, the number of obesity-related cancers is still rising. Dr. Bernard explained.

Drugs similar to I-BET 762 are also being tested in clinical trials for the treatment of various cancers including leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumors and myeloma. Liby and Bernard hope that I-BET 762 will increase survival opportunities for patients with breast and lung cancer.

Dr. Bernard said, "Our research goal is to prevent cancer in high-risk patient populations by elucidating some oncogenic genes that need to be targeted."

References: 1) Drug Prevents Cancer by Targeting Both Tumor Cells and the Tumor Microenvironment

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