Paraffin section melanin bleaching kit

Paraffin section melanin bleaching kit product manual (Chinese version)

The main purpose

YIJI Paraffin Section Melanin bleaching agent is a method designed to use a standardized chemical separation paraffin method to treat melanin from brown to colorless by oxidant treatment to identify paraffin-embedded tissue sections in the archive. The authoritative and classic technical method of melanin composition. The technology has been proven through careful improvement of traditional methods and successful experiments. It is mainly suitable for the melanin component in various paraffin-embedded tissue sections, especially the melanin decolorization detection of tumor cells. The product is ready to use, the operation is simple, the performance is stable, and the color is obvious.

technical background

Melanin is a group of brown-black deposition pigments that contain no iron and are sulfur-containing. They are insoluble in water and organic solvents. They can be dissolved in strong alkalis for a long time and decolorized by strong oxidants. Melanin binds to proteins to form complexes that are commonly found in the skin, hair, eyes (retina), and substantia nigra. Melanocytes produce melanin, which is stored in the melanin particles of the cytoplasm. The melanin is converted to black dopa melanin by the action of DOPA Oxidase. A significant increase in melanin is associated with melanoma (melanoma1). Based on melanin particles, the cell structure is blurred, affecting other chemical and immunostaining, and by using the decolorizing ability of melanin, using strong oxidizing agent potassium permanganate, the melanin is changed from brown to colorless, which can recognize and Prove that melanin can show clear cell structure.

product content

YIJI Dewaxing Liquid (Reagent A) ML

YIJI Dehydrated Liquid (Reagent B)

YIJI Reinforced Liquid (Reagent C) ML

YIJI clear liquid (Reagent D) ml

YIJI cleaning solution (Reagent E) ml

YIJI oxidizing solution (Reagent F) ml

YIJI Decoloring Liquid (Reagent G) ML

Product manual 1 copy

storage method

Stored in a 4 ° C refrigerator; reagents are corrosive, pay attention to safe operation; effective guarantee for June


Small dyeing tank: for tissue dyeing operations

Oven: used for dewaxing

Optical microscope: for observation and analysis after tissue staining

Experimental procedure

  • Dewaxing process
  • Remove 10 pieces of paraffin-embedded 5 micron thick tissue sections to be tested
  • (Selection step) Put in 80 ° C oven, incubate for 30 minutes
  • (Selection step) Let stand for 15 minutes at room temperature
  • Into the small staining tank and incubate according to the following table

Dyeing cylinder

Incubation time

Xx ml YIJI dewaxing liquid ( Reagent A )

15 minutes

Xx ml YIJI dewaxing liquid ( Reagent A )

15 minutes

Xx ml YIJI dewaxing liquid ( Reagent A )

15 minutes

Xx ml YIJI dehydration solution ( Reagent B )

3 minutes

Xx ml YIJI fortification ( Reagent C )

3 minutes

xx mL YIJI clarified solution (Reagent D)

3 minutes

Xx ml YIJI cleaning solution ( Reagent E )

3 minutes

  • Carefully remove the YIJI cleaning solution on the slice ( Reagent E )

Second, to color processing

  • Carefully add xx microliters of YIJI oxidant ( Reagent F ) to cover the entire sample surface
  • Incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature (Note: can be extended to 2 hours, such as eye tissue)
  • Carefully remove the YIJI oxidant on the slice ( Reagent F )
  • Carefully incubate the sections in xx ml of YIJI Cleaner ( Reagent E ) for 2 minutes at room temperature.
  • Carefully remove the YIJI cleaning solution on the slice ( Reagent E )
  • Carefully add YIJI l xx to a color developing solution (Reagent G), covered the entire surface of the sample
  • Incubate for 1 to 2 minutes at room temperature, or until colorless
  • Carefully remove the slices to YIJI coloring solution (Reagent G)
  • Carefully incubate the sections in xx ml of YIJI Cleaner ( Reagent E ) for 2 minutes at room temperature.
  • Carefully remove the YIJI cleaning solution on the slice ( Reagent E )
  • (Selection step) counterstaining (Note: YIJI Universal Hematoxylin Red Staining Kit - YIJI10030 is recommended)
  • Transparent processing
  • Put a cover slip or cover
  • Immediately observed under a general optical microscope:


  • This product is 50 operations
  • Wear gloves when handling
  • Dewaxing reagent can be reused
  • Reagents are corrosive, pay attention to operational safety
  • When the reagent solution is on the surface of the sample, avoid the presence of air bubbles and ensure that the sample surface is covered.
  • YIJI oxidizing solution ( Reagent F ) incubation time from 5 minutes to 2 hours, skin tissue for 5 minutes, eye tissue for 2 hours
  • Immediate observation of tissue microscopy followed by optical microscopy
  • The company provides a series of tissue biochemical dyeing analysis reagent products.

Quality Standard

  • This product has been certified to be stable.
  • This product has been identified and the color is obvious

Guangzhou Zhongzhinan Supply Chain Co.,Ltd. ,