New method makes pluripotent stem cell cultivation process easier and safer
September 18, 2017 Source: Xinhuanet
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Erasing the "memory" of mature cells allows them to return to the stem cell state. The current standard method is to implant 4 genes into the nucleus, produce 4 proteins, and direct the cells to re-develop. However, implantation operations may damage DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), leading to cell cancer.
In the process of natural development, cell differentiation is commanded by external signaling molecules, there is no risk of implanting genes, and the way in which antibodies induce development is similar.
The researchers cultured the mouse cells and screened 100 million antibodies. Four antibodies were found to perform the same function as the three implanted genes. Simply add these antibodies to the cell culture environment, which binds to proteins on the cell surface, triggering a series of molecular activities that cause the cells to transform.
The researchers hope to find further antibodies that replace the fourth gene in order to completely replace the existing method, but it may take several years. They are planning larger, more complex experiments, using human cells to replace experimental mouse cells for screening.
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