Research says adding food supplements early can help improve sleep for babies
July 10, 2018 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Researchers at King's College London and St. George's College of Medicine in London randomly selected more than 1,300 3-month-old babies in England and Wales and divided them into two groups, one of which was exclusively breastfed before the age of half, and the other The group added food supplements while breastfeeding from 3 months old.
Before the baby was one year old, the researchers asked parents to complete an online questionnaire every month. From 1 to 3 years old, parents completed an online questionnaire every 3 months, and finally 1225 parents of the infants completed the survey. The questionnaire included frequency of complementary food supplements, frequency and duration of breastfeeding, and duration of sleep.
The researchers found that infants who added complementary foods as early as possible slept longer and were less likely to wake up at night. The two groups of infants had the biggest difference at 6 months. The infants who added food supplements as early as possible slept an average of 16.6 minutes per night, and the number of wake-ups at night decreased from an average of more than 2 times to 1.74 times.
Michael Perkin, a co-author of the paper and a researcher at St. George's College of Medicine in London, said that although sleep time and wake-up frequency are only slightly improved, infant sleep directly affects the quality of life of parents, and a slight improvement can bring important benefits.
However, the World Health Organization currently recommends exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is 6 months, and after 6 months, add complementary food while continuing breastfeeding. (Reporter Zhou Zhou)
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