1. External Causes (1) Poor pollination and fertilization. There are almost no insect pollinators in the greenhouse, and the high-humidity environment is not conducive to the spread of anthers and the spread of pollen, artificially assisted pollination is not effective.
(2) Environmental discomfort. Strawberries have strict temperature requirements during pollination. When the temperature is lower than 10°C, it is not conducive to cracking, pollination, and fertilization of the anthers. In addition, pollen grains that have a temperature exceeding 45°C are massively dead and poorly fertilized; Nitrogenous fertilizers and excessive fruit weights can easily lead to abnormal fruit formation.
(3) Improper management. Spraying organophosphorus pesticides during flowering can cause abnormal flowers to bloom on the same day and the following day; lack of mineral elements such as potassium, iron, zinc, boron, etc., are prone to malformation.
2. Intrinsic causes (1) Variety reasons. There is a difference in the seed setting rate among breeds, and a high rate of teratogenicity with high abortion rate. Therefore, varieties with low abortion rates and suitable for greenhouse planting should be selected, such as All-Stars, New Stars and Hani.
(2) The position of the flower in the inflorescence is different. The fertility of the female flower and the fertility of the pollen are different. From the first flower (top flower) on the inflorescence, the second, three or four flowers follow. The higher the rate of deformity in the future.
(3) The content of nectar and sugar in flowers is low, especially in bad weather, resulting in a decrease in sugar content, and insect pollination cannot be induced.
Second, the key technologies for the prevention and treatment of deformed fruit (1) Selection of breeds with high fertility, such as Baozao Zaosheng, All-Star and Chunxiang.
(2) Interspecies pollination varieties. The ratio of pollinated varieties to the main cultivars is 1:4, and attention should be paid to pollination varieties planted in the strains of the main cultivars, that is, every 4 strains of the All Star have 1 strain of Baozao Zaosheng, which is conducive to pollination.
(3) The flowering period should be properly ventilated and dispersed to create an environment conducive to bee activity, and at the same time, bees or artificial pollination should be performed in the greenhouse. Since the greenhouse is small and a large group of bees are wasted, it is necessary to divide into small bee groups in advance. Since the greenhouse strawberry pollen has low sugar content, it is necessary to feed the bees with the right amount of sugar or honey every day to ensure pollination activities of the bees.
(4) No pesticides (or growth inhibitors) should be sprayed during flowering. If they must be used, aerosols may be used instead.
(5) Strengthen the temperature management during the flowering period, control the temperature during the day at 20-25°C, and keep it at 10-13°C during the night.
(6) Do not apply large amounts of available nitrogen fertilizer within the first 10 days of the results; however, attention should be paid to the combined use of phosphorus, potassium, and other trace elements;
(7) Strengthen field management, spray some hormones (such as PBO, Yunda 120, etc.) to stimulate the distribution of sugar to the fruit; cover the film when planting, and steal from the membrane during irrigation to reduce air humidity.
(8) Do a good job of thinning and thinning fruit, and reasonably load it. Before flowering, senior buds should be properly removed, leaving only 7 fruits per inflorescence, and the remaining sparse.
Best Goji procuct is in China,China is the origen of Goji Berry.Goji is a traditional,typical food in China.The majority of commercially produced goji comes from Ningxia and Xinjiang in Northwestern China, where they are grown on plantations totaling 200,000 acres.[self-published source] In Zhongning County, Ningxia, wolfberry plantations typically range between 40 and 400 hectares (100–1000 acres or 500–6000 mu) in area. As of 2005, over 10 million mu have been planted with goji in Ningxia.
Ningxia goji has been cultivated along the fertile floodplains of the Yellow River for more than 700 years and have earned a reputation throughout Asia for premium quality sometimes described commercially as "red diamonds". Government releases of annual wolfberry production, premium fruit grades, and export are based on yields from Ningxia, the region recognized with-the largest annual harvest in China, accounting for 45% of the nation's total yield of wolfberries (50,000 tons, 2013);
formation of an industrial association of growers, processors, marketers, and scholars of wolfberry cultivation to promote the berry's commercial and export potential;[16]
the nation's only source of superior grade wolfberries used by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine.
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