High speed tablet press die mounting method
If you want to know more about high-speed tablet press , please log in to our company :< > Or direct pharmaceutical technology department : <> consulting, our factory will provide you with more professional services!
Enzymes are playing more and more important role in the current textile mills from Bioscouring, biopolishing, bleaching, demin finishing, sizing and desizing. From pre-treatment to finishing, Sunson has a range of enzymes that brings innovative and competitive solutions to meet the need of our customers, and help textile mills to produce high-quality fabrics in an efficient and environmental-friendly way. Enzymes have the advantage of:
â— Improved fabric quality
â— Reduced processing costs
â— Increased profitability and competitiveness
â— Environmental-friendly
Variety of enzymes for textile industries for various purpose are available:
Acid Cellulase, Neutral Cellulase, Alpha amylase , Catalase, Laccase
Bioscouring, biopolilshing, bleaching,damin finishing,desizing
Sunson Industry Group Co., Ltd , https://www.sunsonchinaenzymes.com