First, what kinds of pasture do geese like to eat?
1, ryegrass is rich in nutrients, many stems and leaves, young and juicy. During the flowering period, the dry matter content of fresh grass is 19.2%, ryegrass grows quickly, and regeneration ability is strong. The yield is high, and 3000-4000 kg of fresh grass can be produced per acre.
2. Alfalfa is a perennial herb with wide adaptability and good quality. It is known as the king of pasture. It can be planted all year round and can be cut 2 to 5 times a year. The output of fresh grass can reach more than 5000 kg. Alfalfa has a soft texture, a clear taste, and a good palatability. It is suitable for drying hay. There is a great demand in domestic and foreign markets.
3, silage corn fresh and juicy, good palatability. Fast growth, high yield, short growth period. Feeding takes a long time and can be fed all year round. The seeding rate is 4.0-4.5 kg per mu.
4, bitter leeks have high nutritional value, excellent palatability, fresh and juicy. Fresh leaf protein content was 3.14%, dry protein was 26.25%. It is a green, succulent feed with fast growth, strong regenerative capacity, high yield, and a yield of 5000-7500 kg/mu.
5. The purple pods have high nutritional value, and the content of protein, fat and lysine is 2 to 3 times higher than that of corn and wheat. Fast growth, high yield, strong regeneration ability: plant height of up to 3 meters above the crop can be harvested 3 to 4 times a year, fresh produce stems and leaves 5000 to 10000 kilograms, mu produce 150 to 250 kilograms of seeds.
6, white clover perennial herb, return to early morning, withered late, green feeding the longest period, nutrient-rich. The sowing rate of white clover is 0.5 kg per mu. Mu produce fresh grass 5000 ~ 6000 kg. Rich in leaves, soft grass, stems of grapes, constantly forming new strains, is the best grazing grass.
7, red clover perennial herb, hi warm and humid climate, castration 3 to 4 times per year, per mu fresh produce 3000 to 4000 kg, red clover nutritious, high protein content, soft grass, good palatability. In addition, hay, silage, etc. can also be dried.
8. Bromegrass has wide adaptability and strong viability, and is a perennial rhizome-type pasture with high palatability and high feed value. Barbary rams can be castrated 3 to 5 times a year, and the northeast can only be cut twice a year. General fresh grass production is 30 to 45 tons/ha. Crude protein content in dry matter up to 18 to 20%, and contains more amino acids.
Second, what are the characteristics of legumes?
Legumes contain rich and comprehensive nutrients. Dry matter, crude protein accounted for 15% to 20%, a variety of essential amino acids, proteins of high biological value, can make up for the lack of cereal feed protein quality. Followed by calcium, phosphorus, carotene and B vitamin B, and vitamin C, E, K and so on. The legume grasses that are used during the appropriate period have low crude fiber content, are tender, juicy, palatable, and easily digestible. However, the protein content of legumes varies greatly depending on the growth period. In the young stage, the protein content is higher, but the protein content is significantly reduced after budding, and the lignification rate of the stem is earlier and faster than that of the gramineous grasses, especially after the emergence of the leguminous pasture, the stems Palatability and utilization are reduced. Therefore, legumes must pay attention to select the appropriate cutting period. In addition, green legume grass containing saponin, feeding too much will cause the ruminal swelling of beef cattle, fed to limit the amount of feed, it is best with grass forage with feed. Leguminous grasses are rich in nutrients, but they are easy to fall off and lose after drying. Generally, they are best used as grass powder.
What are the characteristics of grasses?
Grasses are rich in nitrogen-free extracts and contain 10% to 15% crude protein in dry matter. Although the nutritional value of grasses is not as good as that of legumes, their palatability is good and there is no bad odor. Animals are very fond of eating. The advantage of gramineous pasture is that it is easy to modulate hay and preservation; in addition, gramineous pasture has a strong ability to resist trampling and regeneration, and is suitable for grazing and multiple cutting and utilization.
What are the characteristics of green and juicy feed?
Juicy green feed includes green feed and juicy feed. Green feed such as grass, aquatic grass, vegetables and cultivated pasture. Juicy feed such as tubers, tubers and melons. Green feed has a comprehensive nutrition profile, good protein quality, rich in various vitamins, high calcium and phosphorus content, good palatability, high digestibility, wide sources, and low cost.
Different types of green feed and growth period have a greater impact on nutrient composition. Younger green feed contains more water, higher levels of carotene and some B vitamins, richer crude protein and less crude fiber in dry matter, high digestibility, and good for goose growth development. With the growth of green feed, the water content decreases, the crude fiber increases, and the palatability deteriorates. Therefore, young goose should be fed as young as possible.
Fifth, why should we vigorously promote grass breeding geese?
Goose is a grass-eating poultry and grows fast and resistant to roughage. Its unique flavor and good quality are a good way for farmers to increase their income. The development of grass breeding and geese industry is conducive to solving the contradiction between livestock and mankind, increasing the green vegetation, and helping to protect the environment. In addition, the goose has strong resistance to diseases and grows and develops under natural conditions without using pharmaceutical additives. Its products are none. Pollution of green food has a very important role in promoting human health.
6. What are the proportions of green fodder added at different times?
1, 3 to 10 days of age: use broken rice washed and soaked thoroughly and wash chopped green leaves, tender grass, water grass, duckweed and other green feed mixed together, the ratio of concentrate feed and green feed is 8 to 10:1.
2, 11 ~ 20 days of age: to feed green feed, the ratio of concentrate feed and green feed 1:4 to 8. With the increase of age, goslings can graze and graze.
3, 21 to 30 days of age: increase the proportion of green feed, the ratio of concentrate feed and green feed is 1:9 to 12. Grazing, can gradually extend the grazing time.
4, 4 weeks to 2 months of age: Can make heavy use of green feed, feeding green feed or grazing is the most suitable and most economical feeding method.
5, 2 months old or more: fattening geese increase fertility. The proportion of feed: corn and barley 60%, bran 30%, bean cake 8%, salt and sand 1%, plus grass, crushed wheat, cooked potatoes and other feed mixed feeding. Adding 2% to 3% bone meal or shell powder to the feed will help the geese to grow and prevent soft leg disease. Feed 4 times a day, feed 9 to 10 in the evening and provide enough water. In the early period of fattening, the ratio of concentrate feed to green feed is 1:1; in the late period of fattening, the ratio of concentrate feed to green feed is 1:4. Live geese can be listed when they weigh 3 to 3.5 kg.
7. Why is the distribution of pasture varieties the key to growing grasses and geese?
Geese can feed on the grass at 1 week of age. After 4 weeks of age, pasture can account for more than 80% of the diet. Scientifically arranging forage cultivation can reduce the cost of breeding, meet the growth needs of geese, and increase the benefits of geese. Compared with grasses, gooses prefer to eat legumes and juicy agronomy herbage. Grass grazing geese should consider the different types of pasture as much as possible in order to facilitate nutrient balance.
Four seasons geese can arrange a certain area of ​​perennial forage, such as white clover, red clover, chicory, alfalfa and so on.
In winter and spring, geese can be sown in early autumn to plant newer grasses, such as grasses of multi-flowered ryegrass, winter grazing 70 rye, leguminous gardenia, milk vetch, alfalfa, and carrots.
The annuals of pasture grasses can be divided into 60% for grasses and 40% for legumes, and mixed and planted in late autumn. In winter, grasses grow slowly and often need to be supplemented with silage.
Hybrid pennisetum, bitter buckwheat, grain wolfberry, Ningza 3, such as Pennisetum, is the ideal green feed for high-temperature geese in summer. Under better management conditions, the amount of geese per acre is equal to or higher than that of spring. .
In addition to the use of perennial pasture in autumn geese, leafy vegetables are also ideal for green feed, which can be selected according to local conditions. In the winter, goose can be fed with vegetables and grass powder.
What are the key technical points for growing grass geese?
1. Pasture planting: As China's geese production grows from home-distributed rearing to large-scale intensive rearing, geese rely only on grazing and feeding on wild grass, which is far from meeting the needs. In addition, the dietary hygiene and safety of grazing goose is difficult to guarantee and it is not conducive to the control of the disease. The use of artificial pasture for feeding can solve the above problems.
2, a reasonable castration, no grass field grazing: pasture grow to 25 centimeters or more when the beginning of castration, castration leaving the ground 5 inside, in order to facilitate the growth, in order to prevent fiber
1, ryegrass is rich in nutrients, many stems and leaves, young and juicy. During the flowering period, the dry matter content of fresh grass is 19.2%, ryegrass grows quickly, and regeneration ability is strong. The yield is high, and 3000-4000 kg of fresh grass can be produced per acre.
2. Alfalfa is a perennial herb with wide adaptability and good quality. It is known as the king of pasture. It can be planted all year round and can be cut 2 to 5 times a year. The output of fresh grass can reach more than 5000 kg. Alfalfa has a soft texture, a clear taste, and a good palatability. It is suitable for drying hay. There is a great demand in domestic and foreign markets.
3, silage corn fresh and juicy, good palatability. Fast growth, high yield, short growth period. Feeding takes a long time and can be fed all year round. The seeding rate is 4.0-4.5 kg per mu.
4, bitter leeks have high nutritional value, excellent palatability, fresh and juicy. Fresh leaf protein content was 3.14%, dry protein was 26.25%. It is a green, succulent feed with fast growth, strong regenerative capacity, high yield, and a yield of 5000-7500 kg/mu.
5. The purple pods have high nutritional value, and the content of protein, fat and lysine is 2 to 3 times higher than that of corn and wheat. Fast growth, high yield, strong regeneration ability: plant height of up to 3 meters above the crop can be harvested 3 to 4 times a year, fresh produce stems and leaves 5000 to 10000 kilograms, mu produce 150 to 250 kilograms of seeds.
6, white clover perennial herb, return to early morning, withered late, green feeding the longest period, nutrient-rich. The sowing rate of white clover is 0.5 kg per mu. Mu produce fresh grass 5000 ~ 6000 kg. Rich in leaves, soft grass, stems of grapes, constantly forming new strains, is the best grazing grass.
7, red clover perennial herb, hi warm and humid climate, castration 3 to 4 times per year, per mu fresh produce 3000 to 4000 kg, red clover nutritious, high protein content, soft grass, good palatability. In addition, hay, silage, etc. can also be dried.
8. Bromegrass has wide adaptability and strong viability, and is a perennial rhizome-type pasture with high palatability and high feed value. Barbary rams can be castrated 3 to 5 times a year, and the northeast can only be cut twice a year. General fresh grass production is 30 to 45 tons/ha. Crude protein content in dry matter up to 18 to 20%, and contains more amino acids.
Second, what are the characteristics of legumes?
Legumes contain rich and comprehensive nutrients. Dry matter, crude protein accounted for 15% to 20%, a variety of essential amino acids, proteins of high biological value, can make up for the lack of cereal feed protein quality. Followed by calcium, phosphorus, carotene and B vitamin B, and vitamin C, E, K and so on. The legume grasses that are used during the appropriate period have low crude fiber content, are tender, juicy, palatable, and easily digestible. However, the protein content of legumes varies greatly depending on the growth period. In the young stage, the protein content is higher, but the protein content is significantly reduced after budding, and the lignification rate of the stem is earlier and faster than that of the gramineous grasses, especially after the emergence of the leguminous pasture, the stems Palatability and utilization are reduced. Therefore, legumes must pay attention to select the appropriate cutting period. In addition, green legume grass containing saponin, feeding too much will cause the ruminal swelling of beef cattle, fed to limit the amount of feed, it is best with grass forage with feed. Leguminous grasses are rich in nutrients, but they are easy to fall off and lose after drying. Generally, they are best used as grass powder.
What are the characteristics of grasses?
Grasses are rich in nitrogen-free extracts and contain 10% to 15% crude protein in dry matter. Although the nutritional value of grasses is not as good as that of legumes, their palatability is good and there is no bad odor. Animals are very fond of eating. The advantage of gramineous pasture is that it is easy to modulate hay and preservation; in addition, gramineous pasture has a strong ability to resist trampling and regeneration, and is suitable for grazing and multiple cutting and utilization.
What are the characteristics of green and juicy feed?
Juicy green feed includes green feed and juicy feed. Green feed such as grass, aquatic grass, vegetables and cultivated pasture. Juicy feed such as tubers, tubers and melons. Green feed has a comprehensive nutrition profile, good protein quality, rich in various vitamins, high calcium and phosphorus content, good palatability, high digestibility, wide sources, and low cost.
Different types of green feed and growth period have a greater impact on nutrient composition. Younger green feed contains more water, higher levels of carotene and some B vitamins, richer crude protein and less crude fiber in dry matter, high digestibility, and good for goose growth development. With the growth of green feed, the water content decreases, the crude fiber increases, and the palatability deteriorates. Therefore, young goose should be fed as young as possible.
Fifth, why should we vigorously promote grass breeding geese?
Goose is a grass-eating poultry and grows fast and resistant to roughage. Its unique flavor and good quality are a good way for farmers to increase their income. The development of grass breeding and geese industry is conducive to solving the contradiction between livestock and mankind, increasing the green vegetation, and helping to protect the environment. In addition, the goose has strong resistance to diseases and grows and develops under natural conditions without using pharmaceutical additives. Its products are none. Pollution of green food has a very important role in promoting human health.
6. What are the proportions of green fodder added at different times?
1, 3 to 10 days of age: use broken rice washed and soaked thoroughly and wash chopped green leaves, tender grass, water grass, duckweed and other green feed mixed together, the ratio of concentrate feed and green feed is 8 to 10:1.
2, 11 ~ 20 days of age: to feed green feed, the ratio of concentrate feed and green feed 1:4 to 8. With the increase of age, goslings can graze and graze.
3, 21 to 30 days of age: increase the proportion of green feed, the ratio of concentrate feed and green feed is 1:9 to 12. Grazing, can gradually extend the grazing time.
4, 4 weeks to 2 months of age: Can make heavy use of green feed, feeding green feed or grazing is the most suitable and most economical feeding method.
5, 2 months old or more: fattening geese increase fertility. The proportion of feed: corn and barley 60%, bran 30%, bean cake 8%, salt and sand 1%, plus grass, crushed wheat, cooked potatoes and other feed mixed feeding. Adding 2% to 3% bone meal or shell powder to the feed will help the geese to grow and prevent soft leg disease. Feed 4 times a day, feed 9 to 10 in the evening and provide enough water. In the early period of fattening, the ratio of concentrate feed to green feed is 1:1; in the late period of fattening, the ratio of concentrate feed to green feed is 1:4. Live geese can be listed when they weigh 3 to 3.5 kg.
7. Why is the distribution of pasture varieties the key to growing grasses and geese?
Geese can feed on the grass at 1 week of age. After 4 weeks of age, pasture can account for more than 80% of the diet. Scientifically arranging forage cultivation can reduce the cost of breeding, meet the growth needs of geese, and increase the benefits of geese. Compared with grasses, gooses prefer to eat legumes and juicy agronomy herbage. Grass grazing geese should consider the different types of pasture as much as possible in order to facilitate nutrient balance.
Four seasons geese can arrange a certain area of ​​perennial forage, such as white clover, red clover, chicory, alfalfa and so on.
In winter and spring, geese can be sown in early autumn to plant newer grasses, such as grasses of multi-flowered ryegrass, winter grazing 70 rye, leguminous gardenia, milk vetch, alfalfa, and carrots.
The annuals of pasture grasses can be divided into 60% for grasses and 40% for legumes, and mixed and planted in late autumn. In winter, grasses grow slowly and often need to be supplemented with silage.
Hybrid pennisetum, bitter buckwheat, grain wolfberry, Ningza 3, such as Pennisetum, is the ideal green feed for high-temperature geese in summer. Under better management conditions, the amount of geese per acre is equal to or higher than that of spring. .
In addition to the use of perennial pasture in autumn geese, leafy vegetables are also ideal for green feed, which can be selected according to local conditions. In the winter, goose can be fed with vegetables and grass powder.
What are the key technical points for growing grass geese?
1. Pasture planting: As China's geese production grows from home-distributed rearing to large-scale intensive rearing, geese rely only on grazing and feeding on wild grass, which is far from meeting the needs. In addition, the dietary hygiene and safety of grazing goose is difficult to guarantee and it is not conducive to the control of the disease. The use of artificial pasture for feeding can solve the above problems.
2, a reasonable castration, no grass field grazing: pasture grow to 25 centimeters or more when the beginning of castration, castration leaving the ground 5 inside, in order to facilitate the growth, in order to prevent fiber
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