First, roughage modulation processing methods Japanese roughage modulation processing methods are silage, semi-dry silage, modulation hay, etc., among which the silage method is divided into tower type, ground type, underground type or folding type, and semi-dry silage is mainly used for binding bales Silage. Because of the climate, modulation of hay is rare in Japan. The method of roughage preparation is mainly silage, but in recent years there have also been some new trends in silage: First, the basic elimination of ammoniated micro-environment. Due to the emergence and popularity of bale wrapping technology in recent years, coupled with the growing awareness that aminated micro-reservoir may adversely affect cow's milk production and milk quality and flavor, there is currently little ammoxidation of straw. Second, change the traditional silage into a semi-dry silage. The traditional silage is mainly tower or ground silage. Due to the cost of tower silage, especially the one-time fixed asset investment is too large, and the equipment is vulnerable, it is gradually replaced by semi-dried ensilage silage. Semi-dry coated silage, also called low-moisture silage, is characterized by convenient production, low cost, good fermentation effect, low loss, and can be stored for a long time. There is no significant difference in in vitro digestibility and feeding with traditional cellar storage, etc. This silage method has now been fully mechanized, so semi-enveloped silage is popular among farmers. Second, the use of additives in the preparation of roughage processing In order to reduce the loss of nutrients during processing, storage and subsequent use of roughage, adding some chemical or biological agents in the process of roughage preparation has become a successful method and in the world. All around. The crude feed preparation additives currently listed in Japan mainly include organic acids such as formic acid (used primarily in the Hokkaido region of Japan), lactic acid bacteria, cellulase or a mixture of lactic acid bacteria and cellulase. These products are mainly used in the preparation of rough feeds with low soluble sugar content. In recent years, there have been effective microbial agents for reducing the loss caused by yeast fermentation after unsealing of roughage, and microbial additives that can increase the effective intestinal microflora of animals. In terms of market access for roughage-modulating additives, Japan has not yet established strict regulations like Europe. Third, research on roughage and roughage modulation and processing In view of the shortage of land resources and feed, the provision of feed resources has broadened the diversification of dairy cows' feed resources. First, research has turned waste into feed, such as processed tea products and restaurants or food processing plants. The remaining material is processed and formulated into livestock feed. Second, the study of feed rice is based on a comprehensive consideration of various factors such as Japan's land resources and maintaining a stable paddy field area. Paddy fields are used for feed production. In recent years, the feed rice industry has become the focus and focus of Japanese research. Its research includes: breeding of varieties, cultivation techniques adapted to feed use, organizational structures affecting feed value, methods of preparation and processing, and feed for rice in feed and other feeds. The ratio and so on. The third is the study of modulation and processing additives, including: accurate and rapid judgment of the need for additive testing techniques, screening for cellulase and lactic acid bacteria, and research on spoilage yeast after opening.