Boars have thicker subcutaneous fat and less developed sweat glands, which are affected by persistent high temperatures, and can cause some stress reactions, which leads to a decrease in the sperm viability of the species. Therefore, in the hot summer months, to ensure breeding performance of boars, the following must be done: Adjusting the structure of the diet in summer, the temperature is high, and the appetite of the boar declines. It is necessary to ensure that the boar breeding nutrients should be appropriate. To increase the supply of protein, an increase of two percentage points is generally appropriate, and the supply of amino acids and vitamins is guaranteed. It is forbidden to feed mildew feed. Strengthen the cooling house around the pigs to plant deciduous trees and pumpkins, grapes, loofah and Other vine plants to avoid direct sunlight; the piggery should be equipped with electric fans, exhaust fans, to speed up the air circulation, to ensure that the pighouse temperature control below 28 °C. Ensuring adequate drinking water plays an important role in body temperature regulation. To ensure that boars supply clean drinking water below 18°C ​​per day, it is best to install an automatic drinker in the pighouse for pigs to feed freely. Change the feeding time in summer according to the characteristics of morning and evening cool, noon heat, feeding time should be before 7 o'clock in the morning, after 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Controlling the frequency of sperm collection In summer, the boar collection time is usually set in the early morning when it is cool, and it is necessary to avoid high-temperature extraction and breeding. At the same time, it is necessary to control the frequency of sperm extraction. Generally, it is better to collect sperm once every four to five days. Add anti-stress substances in the diet by adding 0.4% - 0.6% of baking soda and a certain amount of vitamin C, can play a role in sunstroke cooling. Doing a good job in sanitation and epidemic prevention pighouses should be promptly cleaned, rinsed, and disinfected. At the same time, measures should be taken to prevent mosquitoes and fly, so as to ensure quiet rest of the breeding boar.
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