When the ducklings come out of the shell, water should be fed within 24 hours in time by placing a piece of plastic film on the ground, sprinkle some boiled water or one ten-thousandth of the oxytetracycline aqueous solution so that the ducklings can freely drink water, and use the feed prepared in advance to use water. After being wetted and sprinkled on the plastic film, they were allowed to sprinkle, sprinkled and sprinkled, and led the duck to eat and find food. Feeding once per hour for 1-3 days requires eating in a short time. After the 4th day of age, the feed was less frequently added, which promoted the ducks to eat freely during the night and the drinking water was adequately cleaned.
The duck period is the fastest growing stage. It should be fed regularly to allow it to eat and eat, and increase the amount of exercise to make it robust. The fattening period is mainly to increase the food intake of ducks. It is best to use artificial feeding. After mixing the compound feed with suitable warm boiled water, it is suitable for soft and hard, hand-rolled into finger-sized granules, filled with artificial water and filled 3-4 times a day. The amount of feed each time is determined by the digestive power of the duck. It is advisable to fill it and reduce the amount of exercise.
Sherwin: 30-31°C for 1-3 day olds, 28-30°C for 4-7 days, 25-28°C for 8-14 days, and 20-25°C for more than 15 days. The duck houses should be ventilated and light-transmitting to keep the air fresh, the troughs and drinking troughs should be kept clean, the feeds should be kept fresh, the drinking water should be clean, and the young ducklings should be changed frequently. Light up at night, 35-40 ducklings are stocked per square meter, 10-15 ducks.
Sterility: the device can be ultimately sterilized in one or more ways, and the material will not be degraded in the specified time;
Storage period: ensure the stability of the so-called barrier during the whole life cycle of the product;
Environmental aspects: isolation of water, air, bacteria, oxygen;
Physical: can provide dynamic protection, resist impact and wear, and provide structural support.
Syringe packing;injection syringe pack; injection blister tray
taicang hexiang packaging material co.,ltd , https://www.medpackhexiang.com