A team at Cornell University in New York recently discovered that honeybees can be used to control strawberry disease. The strawberry is susceptible to gray and white molds. Although the raspberry primarily damages the fruit, the mold infection actually begins with the flower. An effective method of prevention and control is to spray another fungus called Trichoderma harzanium 1295--22 on the flowers, so as to eliminate the gray mold before the strawberry grows, and there is no harm to the strawberry fruit itself. The scientists placed the Trichoderma harzanium 1295--22 fungal spores in special dishes and then fixed the dishes to the exit of the hive. When the bees walk out of the hive, the fungal spores stick to the legs and bring the fungal spores to the flowers as they search for nectar and pollen. The protective effect of fungal spores spread by bees is equivalent to the chemical fungicides that most strawberry growers prefer, and the number of fungal spores used is very small, and the effect is twice that of conventional methods. The extra bonus is that as long as a honeycomb is placed in a field of strawberries, the yield can be increased by 20% - 30%. China Agricultural Network Editor
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