Prevention of corn "white mosaic disease"

After emergence of corn, white seedlings often appear. When a leaf emerges, the base of the leaf begins to whitish green, forming yellowish-white stripes, gradually expanding to the leaf margin and tip; when 5-6 leaves, The leaves below 1-3 leaves appear yellowish and light green, and the veins are still green. The purple stripes appear at the base and gradually turn yellow-white. The leaves are thin and transparent. In severe cases, the white leaves gradually dry and even the whole plant died. This is the "white mosaic disease" of corn. After the onset of the disease, the growth and development of the corn is not only slow, the plants are short, and there are many empty rods. The ear lacks grain baldness and seriously affects the yield. The occurrence of "white mosaic disease" in maize is mainly caused by zinc deficiency in soil. Maize is very sensitive to zinc and zinc deficiency can occur if the effective zinc content in the soil is lower than the critical plant (1.5PPM). Most of the zinc-deficient soils are calcareous soils or saline-alkali soils. In addition, in the soils with excessive superphosphate, the zinc phosphates are easily synthesized due to zinc and phosphorylation, and zinc deficiency is also likely to occur. Therefore, in planting corn on zinc-deficient soil, it is necessary to adopt fertilizer measures to supplement zinc. How to apply zinc fertilizer to corn? 1, base fertilizer: 1-1.5 kg of zinc sulfate per mu, and organic fertilizer mixed evenly, the strip or or acupuncture points. 2, seed dressing: 20-40 grams of zinc sulfate per kilogram of corn seed mix, first with a small amount of water to dissolve the zinc fertilizer, and then spray on the seeds and mix well. 3, the root dressing: the zinc sulfate plus water into a 0.1-0.2% solution, spraying 40-50 kg per acre, from the jointing period every 10-15 days each spray once, a total of 2-3 spray.

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