Cornflower (Figure)

Gerbera jamesonii Bolus, alias Blue Lotus. Compositae, one or two years old herbs. Plant height 60-80 cm, much branched, stems and leaves with white wool. Leaves linear, entire; base often with teeth or pinnae. Inflorescences terminal, marginal ligulate flowers funnel-shaped, petal edge with teeth, the central flower tubular, showing white, red, blue, purple and other colors, but mostly blue. Flowering April and May.

Native to Southeast Europe. The dwarf species is only 20 cm tall and can be used as potted plants; the high species is suitable for cutting flowers and flower beds. Hi cold climate, sowing breeding.

Introducer Needle

pidural and spinal combined anesthesia puncture, Epidural Needle ,Introducer Needle, Infusion Pumps ,trachea cannula,

Components FOR AS-E/S FULL KIT

Name Spec. Qty.
Epidural needle 16G 1
spinal needle 25G 1
No damage Anesthesia
Catheter (Patent)
OD 1.0mm
Anesthesia catheter adapter -- 1
Air   filter - 1
Liquid   filter - 1
Catheter assist   guide - 1
Surgical latex   gloves 7.0# 7.5# 8# 1
Negative   pressure tube - 1
Sponge brush   3
Sterile injector   needle
16G       1.6 1
  22G       0.7 1
  23G       0.6 1
Low-resistance injector 5ml  
Sterile syringe
20ml 1
  3ml 1
Woundplast - 1
Compresses 7*7*8 3
Tray cover - 1
Catheter   adhesive slice 5cm*8cm 1
Bottom cover -  

(AS-E/S) Combined spinal Epidural Anesthesia puncture package/kit
(AS-E) Epidural anesthesia puncture package/kit
(AS-S) Spinal anesthesia puncture package/kit
(AS-N) Nerve Anesthesia puncture package/kit

Y-valve Connector
Blood Inflation Balloon

Introducer Needle

medical product

Other Medical Product

Epidural Needle,Introducer Needle,Infusion Pumps,Tracheal Cannula,Y-valve Connector,Blood Inflation Balloon

Anesthesia Medical Co., Ltd. ,