The cultivation of autumn alfalfa straw has many advantages such as labor saving, labor saving, time saving, fertility, temperature control, and weed control. My county has proved through two years of practice that the following points must be observed during the cultivation process in order to achieve stable production and high yields. First, germination soaking. The artichoke generally has a dormancy period of 2-3 months, and the yield of the autumn artichoke has a close relationship with its growth time. The ability to emerge early is the key to high yield. Soaking seeds with pesticides can achieve this goal. The method of soaking seeds is to cut the seed potatoes first, soaking seeds with 0.5-1ppm concentration of "9O2" and then sowing seeds for 5-10 minutes. The effect is better. However, it should be noted that a batch of immersed batches should not be immersed in the first day of immersion in order to prevent the formation of callus wounds and reduce the soaking effect. Second, timely sowing. The height of the production of autumnal acacia has a lot to do with the climate. Frost and snow come early and freeze the plants on the ground, which seriously affects the yield. Therefore, it is required that the mountainous areas with 500-800 meters above sea level should be planted in late August. The flat dam area below 500 meters can be delayed until the beginning of September, so as to avoid the frost period and increase production. Third, open a good ditch. After the rice is harvested, it is immediately pulled along the drainage direction to open the ditch for the car, generally 2.25 meters to open the ditch for the car, requiring a car with a width of 2 meters, a ditch width of 0.25 meters, a ditch depth of 0.3 meters, and a good open space around the ditch, so that There is no water in the car surface, drainage can be done in the ditch, and the impact of wet damage can be solved. Fourth, give a good base fertilizer. When sowing yam, it is necessary to apply enough basic fertilizer, generally 10-15 kilograms of urea, 25-30 kilograms of calcium superphosphate, 100 kilograms of ash or 45 kg of special compound fertilizer. When fertilizing, the fertilizer must not be in contact with the seed potatoes. Generally, it is applied to the soil between the potato block and the potato block, otherwise it is easy to rot. Fifth, straw should be wet. The covered straw can't be dried. Generally, it will be taken in the morning and it will be grown in the afternoon. After the straw is dry, the cover can easily cause water loss and bad seeds. 6. Coverage should be thick. When the backyard straw is planted in autumn, it must be 10-15cm thick. Otherwise, it will produce sweet potatoes, and humans and animals cannot eat. China Agricultural Network Editor
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