Solar heat season seasonal fruits and vegetables


Tomato is a fruit of one year or perennial herb of Solanaceae. Native Peru, Ecuador and other places of origin in South America, there are still wild wild species in the Andes. After being passed to Mexico, it evolved into a cultivar. In the middle of the 16th century, it was brought by Spanish and Portuguese businessmen from Central and South America to Europe, and then from Europe to the rest of the world. China is widely cultivated, berries are oblate or round, red, yellow, or pink, and meat is rich in juice, which is good for summer and autumn.

Tomatoes are rich in nutrients. It contains almost all the ingredients of vitamins. It is called a “vitamin warehouse,” and it also contains nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, and phosphorus. Tomatoes are rich in nutrients. If you eat 2-3 tomatoes per person per day, you can compensate for the consumption of vitamins and minerals.

Tomatoes have the effect of heat and thirst quencher, nourishing yin, and cooling blood. They treat fever with polydipsia, thirst in the stomach, dry mouth, lack of liver and yin, dizziness, dry eyes or night blindness, yin deficiency, blood heat, epistaxis, and gum bleeding. Can also be used for hypertension.


The pumpkin is the fruit of the Cucurbitaceae herbaceous vine vine. The melons are oblate or oblong. The epidermis is dark green or green, and the old one is white, brownish or brown, with wavy netting. China has the widest distribution area, and it is resistant to arid and dry soils and has strong vitality. It is one of the most common vegetables in summer and autumn. The original origin of pumpkin is considered to be Central America or southern Asia. It was passed on to China very early. Therefore, there is a saying of “Chinese pumpkin”.

Pumpkin contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, cobalt, cellulose, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, niacin and other nutrients.

Pumpkin can fill in the Qi, phlegm phlegm, anti-inflammatory pain, detoxification and insecticide, indications of spleen and stomach qi deficiency or malnutrition, cough and sputum, lung typhus disease.

Modern medical studies have found that pumpkins are on the liver. Reduced renal function can enhance cell regeneration.


Oysters, also known as oysters, are oyster family Omi Oyster, Long Oyster, and Dalian Bay Oyster. The shape of the shell is irregular, large and thick. Although there are no brains and brains, other organs are complete. They live in sea areas with low salinity and feed on tiny creatures. Their vitality is strong, regardless of the salinity of seawater, sub-zero or tropical heights. Water temperature, drought, etc., can adapt.

Oysters are rich in nutrients and contain thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, 10 amino acids, glutathione, taurine, multivitamins, and calcium, phosphorus, and iron in addition to protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Components such as copper, manganese, magnesium, and aluminum, especially zinc, can enhance children's intellectual development and are therefore known as "a puzzle seafood."

Oysters are sweet, warm, and non-toxic. There is the role of nourishing yin and nourishing blood, which can cure insomnia, insomnia, and erysipelas. Oyster shells can also be human medicine, high value, Chinese medicine believes that its taste is cool, salty, astringent, mainly with convergence yin, yang, antiperspirant, astringent, phlegm and other effects. Can cure scaring, dizziness, spontaneous sweating, nocturnal emission, turbidity, uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge, hernia, and tumor. Long-term use, can strengthen bones and bones, benefit life, and can stop sweating, quench thirst, in addition to congestion, only frequent urine, governance sore throat, cough embolism. Can improve the treatment of male impotence and infertility.


Kelp is a full-grained plant of the giant-leaf algae, a perennial submerged herb. There are a large number of artificial breeding on the coasts of Liaoning and Shandong in China. Harvested in summer and autumn, after being removed from the sea and sun dried, the fronds are curled into clumps or tangled into a ready-to-use product. The color is greenish-brown with white frost on the surface, with scent and taste.

In addition to the general nutrients, the kelp contains 18 kinds of amino acids, which are rich in crude fiber. The contents of calcium and iron are several times or even more than 10 times that of spinach and rapeseed. Also contains alginic acid, lamin, mannitol, kelp, cobalt, germanium and other special ingredients, especially iodine content in the food monopoly.

Kelp is mainly used to treat thyroid glands, neck lymph nodes, hepatosplenomegaly, edema, hot cough, hypertension, coronary heart disease patients.


Litchi is the fruit of the Succulent evergreen tree litchi. Exocarp leathery material, with knob-like protrusions, red when ripe, picking when the fruit matures from June to July, mainly produced in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places, Guangdong Dongguan produced excellent.

Litchi is a precious fruit with high nutritional value and is known as the "king of fruit." In the fruit, the meat is tender and delicious. Its flesh contains 66% glucose, 5% sucrose, still contains free arginine, tryptophan, protein, fat, and vitamins B1, B2 and niacin, citric acid, pectin, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients.

Litchi has the effect of invigorating the spleen and benefiting the liver, thirst, thirst, nourishing heart, nourishing qi, relieving pain, and suppressing phlegm and stasis. It can treat spleen deficiency, diarrhea, thirst, hiccups, chills, cramps, swelling, toothache, and uterine bleeding. Anemia, traumatic bleeding and other illnesses.

Fresh lychee can thirst and flatten the stomach; dried lychee decoction or porridge eaten has liver and kidney, spleen and stomach, benefit qi and blood effect, is after the illness physically weak, old and frail, anemia, palpitations, Insomnia and other patients' nourishing fruits.

Litchi is rich in iron and vitamin C. Iron can increase the content of hemoglobin and make people look ruddy, while vitamin c can make the skin delicate and elastic.


Lemon is the fruit of Rutaceae evergreen tree lime or lemon, because of its extremely sour taste, pregnant women like to eat, it is beneficial to the mother fruit. Lemon has a reputation as a "citric acid warehouse" and is rich in citric acid. Its fruit juice is tender and tender, with a strong aroma. Because of its special sour taste, people often use it as a good seasoning to prepare beverage dishes as well as cosmetics and medicines. When mature, the skin is yellow and shiny, the fruit is large, and the skin is thick and fragrant. Mainly produced in China, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places.

Lemon contains sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin A, rich in vitamin P, especially contains a lot of vitamin c, but also rich in organic acids and flavonoids, coumarins, sterols Class, volatile oil, hesperidin, calcium oxalate, pectin and other ingredients.

Lemon has the effect of Shengjinyushu, phlegm and cough, and invigorating spleen and digestion. It can be used for summer thirst, pregnant women eat less, fetal movement disturbed, high blood fat embolism.

Lemon juice pressed lemon juice contains a lot of vitamin C, orally taken to treat scurvy. Lemon juice is also a good product for beauty cleansing. Because citric acid has the effect of preventing and eliminating skin pigmentation, it can make skin smooth and delicate.

Lemon is rich in vitamin c and helps prevent cancer and the common cold.

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