Xylo-oligosaccharide and yak health

In recent years, with the ban of most antibiotics in Europe, the search for alternatives to antibiotics has become an urgent need for animal breeders. Xylo-oligosaccharide has many functions such as preventing and curing diseases, enhancing immunity, promoting growth, increasing body weight, and promoting feeding; and it has no pollution, no residue, no drug resistance, good stability, and requires a small dose. Etc. Therefore, it has great research and application potential in the feed industry and has received more and more attention from the industry.

The yak ruminant is sterile in the intestine before birth. After birth, it is infected by the mother's birth canal, feces and environmental microorganisms. Soon, a large number of microorganisms multiply and form a stable normal flora. The normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of animals affects the stability of the micro-ecological environment and the health of animals in many ways. The micro-ecological system in healthy animals maintains a dynamic balance. At this time, the beneficial bacteria are the dominant bacteria, but when the animals encounter various stress conditions, the dynamic balance is destroyed, and the harmful bacteria may become the dominant bacteria.

The xylooligosaccharide can be directly fermented by beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria through the stomach and small intestine directly into the digestive tract, thereby allowing the beneficial bacteria to proliferate in a large amount and gradually forming a micro-ecological competitive advantage; and harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella cannot or Functional xylooligosaccharides are rarely used. The "immunomodulatory factors" contained in the cell wall of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus promote the host's immune attack on malignant cells and increase the host's resistance to pathogenic bacteria. The product formed by the fermentation of xylooligosaccharide by bifidobacteria is a short-chain fatty acid, which can lower the pH of the intestinal tract, promote intestinal movement, and improve defecation performance. It can also promote the absorption of various trace elements such as zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium.

Adding 1.75 g/head of xylooligosaccharide per day to the feed for 40 days can significantly reduce the diarrhea index of the calf, which has a reduction rate of 90%; the number of E. coli in yak feces has a tendency to decrease, lactic acid The number of bacilli has an increasing trend, and the increase rate is about 3.7%; thereby improving the growth performance of yak

Blood is an effective way to monitor the nutritional balance of the diet, and it can also reflect the strength of the body's resistance. Serum total protein is the sum of albumin and globulin in serum. In addition to being a carrier of nutrients, serum albumin maintains plasma osmotic pressure and is a source of protein in the body. Since serum proteins are synthesized by the liver, when serum protein synthesis is impaired, the most unstable albumin is reduced, globulin is increased, and the ratio of albumin to globulin is lowered. Therefore, the ratio of albumin to globulin can reflect the state of the body's immune system well, and the decrease in ratio indicates that more globulin synthesis is used to improve the body's immune function, and vice versa.

Adding 1.75 g/head of xylooligosaccharide per day to the feed, feeding the calf for 40 days, the serum low-density lipoprotein content increased by about 21.5%; and the serum urea nitrogen, high-density lipoprotein, triglyceride content Reduce the trend. Adding 3.4 g/head of xylooligosaccharide per day to the feed, feeding yak for 20 days, the albumin content of yak serum decreased by about 4.1%, the ratio of albumin to globulin was significantly decreased, and the total protein content was increased. trend.

In addition, when xylooligosaccharide is added as a feed additive to yak feed, it should be noted that the maximum addition amount should not exceed 3.4 g/head per day.

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