Fluorescence quantitative PCR instrument use process FAQ

Quantitative PCR instrument FAQ

1. What is the order of the on/off of the quantitative PCR machine?

Operating in the correct sequence of power on and off can help extend the life of the instrument and reduce the frequency of instrument failure. Boot sequence: first turn on the computer, wait for the computer to fully start and then turn on the quantitative PCR instrument host. After the green light on the panel is on, you can open the quantitative PCR collection software and experiment. Shutdown sequence: After confirming that the experiment has ended, first turn off the signal collection software, then turn off the power of the quantitative PCR instrument host, and finally turn off the computer.

2. What types of reaction tubes and caps are suitable for quantitative PCR experiments? What do you need to pay attention to?

For the PCR experiment, the following consumables can be used: a hole optical reaction plate with an optical film, a 0.2 ml optical VIII reaction tube with an optical film, and a 0.2 ml optical VIII reaction tube with a flat cover optical occlusion cap.

3. Why do you have to defragment your computer regularly? How to organize?

When running a real-time quantitative PCR machine and using software to analyze the results of the experiment, the computer will delete and create several files, and the free space of the computer hard disk will be divided into more and more small pieces. When a file on a hard drive is stored in decomposed pieces, the program takes longer to access the file because the file fragment must be found multiple times to access different fragments. The defragmentation utility combines multiple pieces of a file that are split together and stores them in the same location on the hard disk, eliminating file fragmentation and optimizing system performance. The defragmentation method is as follows:
· On the Windows desktop, select start, My computer.
In the (My Computer) window, right-click on the hard drive and select (Properties) property.

COVID-19 Antigen Test Cassette (Pharyngeal Swab)

Pharyngeal swab Collection refers to the process of dipping a small amount of secretion from the pharynx of human body with a medical swab, placing it in a special Petri dish and placing it in a device that can control the temperature for culture, so as to understand the patient's condition, oral mucosa and pharyngeal infection.

COVID-19 Antigen Test Cassette (Pharyngeal Swab)