Eggplant Grafting Seedling Management Technology

The warmer the eggplant after grafting, the more suitable the temperature for the wound is about 25°C.

The seedbed greenhouse should be controlled at 24°C to 26°C, preferably no more than 28°C during the day of 3 to 5 days, and maintained at 20°C to 22°C during the night, not below 16°C. Small greenhouse insulation can be set up in the greenhouse, cooling measures should be taken in the hot season, such as scaffolding, ventilation and other methods to cool down. 3 - After 5 days, start to release the air and gradually lower the temperature.

Insulation and moisturizing is the key to the success of grafting. It is required that within 3 to 5 days, the relative humidity in the small arch shed should be controlled between 90% and 95%. After 4 to 5 days, the ventilation should be cooled and dehumidified, but the relative humidity should be kept between 85% and 90%.

Shading can be covered with paper, straw, etc., in a small shed, do not cover on cloudy days. Within 3 to 4 days after grafting, all light should be shielded. Lights should be given on the 4th day sooner or later, shading at noon, and the cover gradually removed. When the temperature is low, the light can be properly seen early to increase the temperature and promote wound healing. At high temperatures, it should be shaded at noon. After about 10 to 15 days, the interface was completely healed, the clamps were removed, and routine management resumed. Grafting seedlings often grow lateral buds, should be promptly erased in the sunny morning, so as not to surface pathogens infected through the wound.

Planting time. Arched shed eggplant grafted seedlings were planted in late March. Autumn-grown eggplant grafted seedlings were planted in mid-September. Winter-spring eggplant grafted seedlings were planted in mid-December.

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