In general, all kinds of hormones in the human body are in balance. If the balance is broken for some reason, resulting in too much or too little hormone in the body, it leads to endocrine disorders, hair loss, acne, obesity. , resistance decreased and other symptoms. Endocrine disorders may occur in both men and women. So, what foods can regulate endocrine disorders? Learn together.
Protein-rich food
Fish is one of the foods rich in protein, and its amino acids are easily absorbed by the body. In addition, fish is rich in omega-3, omega-9 and other fatty acids are good sources of fat. Eating fish once or twice a week will help maintain the balance of the endocrine system.
2. Green food is hormone "power"
Green foods, such as broccoli, lettuce, and rapeseed, are of great benefit for qi and qi. Liver health can help the body to better detoxify the skin, maintain the balance of hormone secretion, and avoid physical problems.
3. Foods rich in calcium and vitamin B
Foods rich in calcium include milk, cheese, soy, and yoghurt. Foods rich in vitamin B include chicken, fish, grains, and nuts. Eating these foods not only helps the skin to be tender and smooth, slows down aging, but also maintains endocrine balance.
4. Yellow food spleen and stomach
According to the Yellow Emperor's Internal Medicine, yellow food can keep the spleen and if the spleen is healthy, it will be able to digest and absorb foods that are beneficial to the body. Yellow foods include soybeans, lemons, squash, and corn. During the three meals a day, they often eat yellow foods. They can also enhance gastrointestinal function, which is beneficial to the body's metabolic function and to maintain the secretion of hormones.
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