Black tea can prevent and cure flu but also keep stomach

Recent studies have shown that Changyin black tea can effectively control the following diseases:

Reduce the incidence of stroke and heart disease

Studies have shown that black tea is rich in flavonoids and potassium. The former has a strong antioxidant effect, while potassium is beneficial to the heart and can prevent stroke and heart disease. Dutch scientists observed the role of black tea in preventing stroke, with 552 men aged 50-69 years old as subjects. The subjects were divided into two groups, one group drinking less than 2.5 cups of tea per day on average, and the other group drinking 5 cups of black tea each day. The results showed that the greater the intake of flavonoids from black tea (more black tea drinkers), the lower the risk of stroke. People who drink 5 cups of black tea a day have a 69% lower risk of wind disease than those who do not drink black tea.


Reduces harmful cholesterol

Scientists from the U.S. Department of Agriculture discovered through a six-week study that people who drink 5 cups of black tea a day have lower levels of low-density lipoproteins than those who drink colored drinks that look like tea. (down 7% to 11%). Low-density lipoprotein is called "bad cholesterol" and it increases the risk of heart disease. Since the dietary structure of the subjects was controlled in advance, experts believe that drinking black tea has a cholesterol-lowering effect. Another study in the United States also showed that people who drink a cup of black tea every day have a 40% lower risk of heart disease than those who do not drink tea.

Prevent osteoporosis

In addition to a variety of water-soluble vitamins, black tea is also rich in trace element potassium. After brewing, 70% of the potassium is soluble in tea. Studies have shown that potassium not only enhances heart blood circulation but also prevents or reduces calcium consumption in the body. In addition, the manganese contained in black tea is also one of the indispensable elements of the bone structure. Therefore, regular drinking of black tea is beneficial for bone formation and calcium loss prevention, which helps prevent osteoporosis.

Effective against influenza

Japanese scientists have discovered that certain substances contained in black tea can effectively kill influenza virus, and the use of black tea to gargle or drink directly has the effect of preventing influenza. The researchers used a black tea solution that was 4 times lighter than usual to soak in virus infected areas for only a few seconds and found that the virus lost its infectivity. Experts believe that using black tea to purify or drink black tea can effectively kill the virus and prevent it from attacking the body.

Can stomach anti-ulcer

After fermentation of black tea, tea polyphenols undergo an enzymatic oxidation reaction under the action of oxidase, and the content is reduced. Not only does the irritation to the stomach decrease, but also the oxidation products of these tea polyphenols can promote human digestion. Drinking black tea not only does not hurt the stomach, but it can raise the stomach. If you often drink black tea with sugar or milk, but also anti-inflammatory, protect the gastric mucosa, have a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of ulcers. Note: Black tea should be placed 3-5 grams each time, it must be hot drinks before the stomach effect. Black tea is best to drink now. If tea is left for too long, its nutrition and taste will be reduced.

Reduce the incidence of skin cancer

Australian scientists believe that drinking tea can effectively reduce the chance of people suffering from skin cancer. Researchers at the laboratory used white mice as a test to prove that when exposed to excessive amounts of ultraviolet light, mice that had consumed black tea had cancer or skin damage that was 54% lower than those who simply consumed water, and they also found drinking black tea. The incidence of skin cancer is also much lower in mice than those who drink green tea. This is also the first time that black tea has a stronger anti-cancer effect than green tea in preventing skin cancer.

Rapid Test Kit

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