Stomach porridge recommended

Stomach porridge practice

One, eight-treasure porridge

Eight-treasure porridge is best suited for people who need stomach nutrition. This is because in China, there is a large amount of peanuts, almonds, and sugar in the rice pudding, and the calories are also very high. Regular consumption of the porridge has a good protective effect on the stomach. And fresh peanuts also contain a lot of protein, fat and other substances, can effectively protect the stomach.

Ingredients: 50 grams of red beans, 300 ml of purified water, 20 grams of peanuts, 15 grams of dried lotus seeds, 50 grams of dried red dates, 50 grams of coreless red raisins, 180 grams of glutinous rice, 50 grams of black rice, 15 grams of pine nuts, purified water 2200 Milliliters of rock sugar 100 grams.


1. Wash the red beans and peanuts, bubbling them for 2 hours, drain the water, put in a small pot, add 300 ml of water to the lid, and cook for 30 minutes on medium heat. Turn off the heat. Keep boiled bean soup.

2, lotus blisters 2 hours, remove. Remove the lotus core. Wash the dates and go to the core. Dry cleaning of grapes. Rice and black rice Amoy net, soak 2 hours, drain out. Take a big pot, add red beans, peanuts and boiled bean soup, lotus seeds, red dates, raisins, glutinous rice, black rice, pine nuts, 2000 ml of water, and boil over the fire.

3. Place two chopsticks on the pan horizontally, place the lid on the chopsticks, and turn the fire to a medium to small size. Boil for 1 hour and 20 minutes. During this time, stir occasionally with a spoon to avoid sticking. Add rock sugar, stir slightly, simmer for 30 minutes.


Second, pumpkin yam beef porridge

Yam spleen and stomach, can improve the weak spleen and stomach, pumpkin Bu Zhong Yi Qi, beef is not only delicious but also blood Spleen, young and old. Pumpkin Yam Beef Porridge is a nourishing porridge that is ideal for fall health.

Materials: Rice 150g, beef 100g, yam 1 cut, pumpkin 100g, 1 onion, ginger 1 small pieces, cooking wine 5ml, starch 1g, a little vegetable oil.


1. Wash and wash the rice, soak it in clean water for half an hour, remove and drain the water and reserve; fill the pot with plenty of water, boil it and put it into the rice. After the fire is over, pass it over a low heat and slowly cook for about 20 minutes. Stir to prevent sticking and spilling.

2, yam Peeled Ding, pumpkin Peeling Ding, ginger Cheesi, chopped shallots; beef chopped into fine, with ginger, starch, cooking wine and a little oil pickled and pickled for a while.

3, rice porridge boiled until rice grain blossoms, add yams and pumpkin diced to cook for 5 minutes; into the marinated beef and stir well, boil and cook for 2 minutes, and finally transferred to the salt and chives You can.

Third, sweet potato sweet porridge

Sweet potato is rich in starch, dietary fiber, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and potassium, iron, copper, selenium, calcium and other more than 10 kinds of trace elements. This porridge can stimulate the appetite of the spleen, qi and soothe the nerves, the role of pure heart and nourishing blood.

Materials: 150 grams of sweet potato, 50 grams of glutinous rice, 25 grams of ebony meat, sugar amount.


1, the sweet potato cut off the skin, washed and cut into small, put the boiling water pot boiled, remove and reserve; Wumei meat washed, cut into small pieces to be used. Wash the glutinous rice with clean water, place it in a pot, add 250 ml of clear water, steam it on the drawer for 10 minutes, and take it out.

2, the pot into a good steamed glutinous rice, then add 600 ml of fresh water, sweet potato diced and ebony meat, medium heat cook until thick, add sugar can deepen.

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