Cold Winter Qiaozhi Pepper Diseases

In the cold winter, rain and snow often occur, and the temperature is low. Guo Zhiqing, a researcher at the College of Horticulture at the Northwest A&F University, reminded farmers that the cultivation of spicy (sweet) peppers during winter should be done to prevent and control diseases.

Botrytis cinerea seedlings became infected, the yellow leaves of the cotyledons began to yellow, and they expanded to young shoots. The young stems rotted and shrivelled, and the disease minister had gray moldy matter, which was broken by the diseased part and died. Plants became infected, and irregular water-like lesions were found on stems and shoots. The lesions turned gray or brown. The lesions spread around the stems and shoots for one week. The upper branches and leaves wilted and died, and the diseased surface had gray moldy material. Low temperature, low light, and high humidity are conducive to disease. It can be prevented with 75% Dakkonine WP 600 times, with 65% Tamycin WP 1000 times, 45% Tex Multisuspension 1000X, 50% acetaminophen WP 600X etc. Prevention.

Bacterial scab disease appeared on the leaves at the beginning of the season with small spots of brownish green, which later expanded to become brown with slightly raised surroundings. The center was gray and lesions appeared on stems and fruit stems. To pruning on sunny days, add copper sulfate to the soil. 72% of streptomycin soluble powder 5000 times liquid, 77% can kill wettable powder 600 times, 60% ethyl aluminum phosphonate wettable powder 1000 times, 47% Garnett wettable powder 500 times, 27.12% copper noble suspension agent and other 500 times spray.

The chilling injury showed that the roots of plants were rust-yellowish-brown. There were few new roots and fibrous roots. The old roots had rot and necrosis, and the roots had rot. Prolonged cold or frost prone to occur. In addition to strengthening the greenhouse moisturizing, dehumidification work, spray cold resistance agent, can be used Kang Kang 7500 times, or love to receive, guarantee more income, or brown sugar, 50 grams plus 15 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus 1 bucket of water spray.


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