Massage, tapping, and bathing to treat insomnia at home

Many people cannot sleep, and asking for medical advice does not solve the problem. In fact, sleep should be an instinct for human beings. There are still ways to relax and refresh yourself. "Medical massage at home is actually a very good choice." Psychological counseling teacher Yu Peng of Guangdong Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine mental sleep specialist pointed out that insomnia patients use Chinese medicine massage methods to improve insomnia, can play a good effect.


Such patients are characterized by a wide range of thoughts before going to sleep, which are often stressful, excitable, or overexerting.

(1) Heart beat

From top to bottom, an empty palm beat the pericardium of the upper limbs for 5-8 minutes, focusing on the inside of the elbow, and the pericardium is located on the midline of the medial side of both upper limbs.

Chinese medicine believes that insomnia is related to the heart. Therefore, pacing pericardium can be pure heart Chufan, can be done during the day, with insomnia accompanied by more thoughts, pressure, usually emotional tension is a good regulator.

(2) Hair method

If you are concerned about the inconsistency of the acupuncture point, you can use a simple combing method to clear the meridians of the head and relax the sleep aid. Su Shi, a famous writer in the Song Dynasty, used his hair as a sleeping pill.

Specific method of operation: comb hair, the direction of: (1) before the hair, head, back, head, left and right three lines; (2) from the top of the head as a starting point, radial direction to the head, temples, ears On the hairline, ear hair direction comb. Same around. Comb at least five minutes before going to bed. Can also be used to refer to 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩.

● And stomach sleep

This type of patient is characterized by insomnia with a common disharmony, indigestion, and poor bowel movements.

(1) Abdominal method

The ancients said that if the stomach is uncomfortable, then it will be disturbed. It can be seen that irregiation of the stomach and intestines will affect sleep. Take a supine position, overlap left and right hands, palms of the right hand down, attached to the umbilicus, put the palm of your left hand on the back of the right palm, and evenly use both hands to force it to rotate clockwise. Starting from the umbilicus, it gradually expands to the entire abdomen.

Fan Yupeng said that when rubbing this point, the number of silent games is 100 rounds. From less to more, you can rub up to 30 rounds. And can increase gastrointestinal motility, eliminate stomach food, make the chest fun.

(2) Push the cheekbones

Take a seat before going to bed, hold both hands on the knees, and rub it from top to bottom. Initially, press the Yinling Spring (located on the inner side of the lower leg, the lower edge of the internal tibia, see the mark on the upper left) and Yanglingquan (located in the Outside the lower leg, below the depression at the front of the cheekbones, see the markings on the upper left), then push down forcefully, after passing Zusanli (3 feet below the anterolateral aspect of the knee outside the lateral aspect of the knee, see the lateral side of the anterior tarsal bone, see the upper left Figure mark) and Sanyinjiao (3 inches above the tip of the medial malleolus, depression at the posterior aspect of the medial side of the tibia, see the mark on the left side of the figure) Pressing at the two points, so that it has been pushed to the ankle, and repeatedly performed 10 to 20 times. The spleen and stomach can be transported healthy and peaceful.

●Busy sleep

Insomnia in this type of patient is characterized by nocturia that affects sleep, usually fatigue, cold, weak waist.

(1) Pushing Bagua Point and Warming Shenyu

Shenshu (at the waist, two finger widths to the left and right side of the spine on the same horizontal line as the navel) is the kidney's back-shu point, which has a good effect of warm Yang Gu Shen, and can be used together with Baguao to warm the kidney and help sleep Effect.

Every day before going to bed, both hands rubbed the Bagua point for 2-3 minutes. Then heat your hands and place them on the double kidney 2-3 minutes. Shenshu has a warm feeling and a sense of relaxation.

(2) Chuanjiao bath foot, Yongquan spring

Before going to bed with a high bucket for 20-30 minutes, each time you add 20 grams of Sichuan pepper powder, the water should not have ankle, it is best to reach the lower leg position. When the hot feet are heated with water, warm and hot first to make the feet hot and red. After soaking your feet, you can massage the foot Yongquan.

Fan Yupeng said that the Yongquan Point is a point of health care on the nerves and has a good effect on neurasthenia and weakness in the waist and knees. Chuanjiao Xin, warm, into the spleen, stomach, kidney, foot traffic can be yin and yang, warm kidney to help sleep.

Reporter Zhang Hua correspondent Song Liping

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