Make a gentleman's formula

Common formula

1. Treatment of children in the abdomen maggots attack pain, vomiting foam: the gentleman (shell) is very fine, with rice drink tone, five earlier hollow clothing. ("Supplemental Pocket Pediatrics" makes gentlemen scattered)

2. There are insects in the abdomen of adults in order to treat adults: to make a gentleman (hull) a money, a betel nut a money, realgar five points. On the end. Each serving adults money, buckwheat root decoction. ("The ancient and modern medical Kam" insects scattered) [2]

3. Treatment of infantile scrofula block, large abdomen, thin yellow muscle surface, gradually become dysentery: so that the gentleman Ren three money, wooden Zizi Ren five money. For the end, water pill, longan big. Every time a pill is used, a broken top is used for the chicken and the medicine is included. The meal is steamed and hollowed out. ("Simple Unilateral")

4. Chong-inch white worm disease: 1 duck, broken 1 small hole, into the end of a gentleman money, betel nut a money, sealed with paper, steamed food. The insects come out with stools. (“Simplified Emergency”)

5. Treatment of hookworm disease: the gentleman 4g, betel nut 4g, add water 100ml, fry 30ml. The total amount of adults is 90ml, children aged from 11 to 15 years old 60ml, 9 to 10 years old 45ml, 7 to 8 years old 30ml. Orally 3 times a day, fasting once a day in the morning, 3 times in a row. ("Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Medicine")

6. Treatment of five children, spleen and stomach discord, confidant bloating, when the complex recovery (pain loss) pain, do not enter the diet, gradually become thin: thick Magnolia (peeled, ginger sauce), dried tangerine peel (white), Chuanxiong one point each To make gentlemen (baptize, go black) one or two. On the fine, the refining of honey pills such as soap. More than three years old, half a year old, Chen Mi drink. ("The Bureau" makes Junzi Maru)

7. Treatment of yellow disease love to eat raw rice, tea, wolfberry charcoal, soil, crumbs and the like: make the Gentlemen meat 22 (chopped, micro-fried), betel nut 22, South Star 32 (both stir fried with ginger). At the end of the year, the red meat hit the ball, such as the Indus. Per serving more than 100 pills, ebony, pepper soup sent. ("Rejuvenated")

8. Rule children swollen swollen, head, scrotum all float: use the gentleman one or two (shell, honey five money exhausted) as the end. After each meal, rice soup served a sum of money. ("Simple Party")

9. The cure for the head sore is not a long time: the gentleman burns the coke, and the upper jaw is the end. ("Sheng Hui Fang")

10. Treatment of the head (ç–’ Cha) facial sore: so gentleman, a little sesame oil, dip 35, chewing when lying on the ground, sent under the sesame oil, long and self-healing. ("Puji Party")

11. Treat toothache pain: make the gentleman decoction, frequency æ¼±. ("Wuhu Set Jane Party")

12. Treatment of tsutsugamushi disease:

(1) Let the gentlemen stir fry, chewing once in 1 to 2 hours after breakfast, 10 grams in 12 years old, 13 or more 20 grams.

(2) The gentleman leaves, 24 grams of 2 to 5 years old, 30 grams of 5 to 10 years old, 40 grams of 10 to 15 years old, 60 grams of adult, Shuijianbi.

13. Treatment of gallbladder abdominal pain: the gentleman 7 ~ 10 research powder, ebony 3 grams, Chuanjiao 3 grams, decoction juice delivery service, 2 or 3 times a day.

14. Treatment of pediatric tsutsugamushi disease: so that the gentleman, a hundred equal amount, each research powder, mix well, each serving 3 grams, served on an empty stomach.

15. Treatment of children's hoarding: 30 grams of gentian kernels, 0.3 grams of honokiol, tangerine peel, and chuanxiong, and the total amount of research is at the end, refining honey as a pill, serving one pill less than three years old, serving half a pill less than three years old, and drinking rice under Chen Mi .

16. Treatment of tympanitis: make a gentleman, alum, and borneol in appropriate amounts (4:3:1 ratio). Several gentlemen will be smashed into a small hole and soaked in a large piece of soya bean, soaked in alum and melted, adding a little bit of ice. At the end of the study, first wash the affected ear with hydrogen peroxide or physiological saline, wipe dry, and then blow the powder into the affected ear a little. Once a day, the light person should use the drug once, and heavier 2 or 3 times Jiyu.

17. Treatment of prolapse of the anus: After the gentleman smashed, add appropriate amount of maltose (ie, maltose) to make a pill; 3 grams per pill, stew lean pork 60 to 150 grams, 3 days medication 1, 3 times for a course of treatment.

18. Treat toothache pain: use to make gentle soup. Frequent mouthwash.

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