Winter fruits are steamed or stewed

As the temperature decreased, most of the northern regions began to enter the heating period. The room temperature is too high and the humidity is too low, it will make people feel uncomfortable, and even the phenomenon of chapped lips, nostrils, dry throat, itching and so on. When the air is dry, flu viruses and gram-positive bacteria that can cause infections multiply faster, and they are prone to spread as the dust in the air spreads, causing illness. During the heating period, eating some fruits can replenish water and produce fluids, but the stomach is warm and chilly, and cold fruits in winter can easily hurt the stomach. In particular, elderly people and women with weak spleen and stomach and weak constitution can cause anorexia and indigestion. Diarrhea and so on. It may be better to ripen the fruit and not only reduce the cold performance, but also double the therapeutic effect.


1, Chuanbei rock sugar, steamed pears - cough and phlegm lungs steamed pear has heat and lungs cough and phlegm, and in the steaming process, you can also add other foods or drugs to enhance cough and phlegm effect. Among them, the most commonly used is the number of Chuanbei rock sugar pears.

Method: Take 1 large pear, cut off the pear cover, remove the kernel, pour 3 g of chaibei powder and appropriate amount of rock sugar and cover with pear. Place in a bowl and steam for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat until the pears are warm. Drink the steamed soup and eat the pears once a day for good cough relieving effect. Chuanbei rock sugar pear is not suitable for cold cough (nasal flow clear, pale red tongue, thin cough, heavy voice, headache, body heat, and even the characteristics of breathlessness) consumption.

2, apple steamed to eat - diarrhea digestible apple steamed to eat, which pectin after steaming can not only absorb bacteria and toxins, but also convergence, antidiarrheal effect, and more easily digested. Cut the apple skin into small pieces, put it in a small bowl and steam for 5 minutes. Let it cool before eating.

3, orange heat to eat - beauty beauty does not get angry orange not only can reduce the body's blood fat and cholesterol, but also skin care. However, eating oranges is easy to get angry. There are symptoms such as sores, dry mouth and dry throat pains, and dry stools. Hot orange is ideal.

Practice: First wash 1~2 oranges and soak in warm water of 40°C~50°C for about 1 minute. The oranges are then wiped dry (until the epidermis is completely dehydrated), placed in a microwave oven and heated for 1 to 2 minutes until micro-focus.

In this way, the volatile oil in orange peel, orange peel, B vitamins, vitamin C, etc. can penetrate into the orange, which not only achieves the effect of health and beauty, but also does not get angry.

Orange peel contains volatile oil, which has a mild irritant effect on the intestine. It can help the secretion of digestive juice, increase appetite, and have the effect of stomach and spleen. In addition, orange peel also has the effect of relieving cough, phlegm and dampness.

4, red jujube steamed to eat - spleen and stomach Liver and kidney dates are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, carotene, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin P and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. The content of vitamin C among the top in the fruit, there is a "vitaminous king" reputation. For patients who eat jujube continuously, health recovery is more than 3 times faster than that of vitamin supplements alone. Steamed dates are easier to digest and are ideal for people with weak spleen and stomach. For qi and blood deficiency and liver and kidney deficiency, jujube and steamed eggs can be steamed together.

Practice: Take 5 pieces of red dates, rinse with water, then soften the red dates, and then red dates to the core; take 2 eggs and add the appropriate amount of salt to beat the egg mixture. Then add red dates, wolfberry and cool water, and steam until the eggs condense. edible.

You can also stew red dates and yam.

Practices: cut the dates in half, diced diced potatoes; both plus cold water across the water; after the water is opened and steamed for 20 minutes.

5, grapefruit stew to eat - to help digestion and reduce fire boiled grapefruit is ripe fruit in the fall, because it is thick skin resistant to possession, there is "natural fruit canned," said. It contains very rich in protein, organic acids, vitamins and other essential elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium.

Grapefruit also has the effects of strengthening the stomach, regulating Qi and removing sputum, moistening the lungs, clearing the intestines, boosting blood and spleen, and boosting appetite and treating indigestion.

It is easy to get angry in the winter, grapefruit can reduce fire gas, inhibit oral ulcers. One person who eats 100 to 200 grams of grapefruit one day is more easily absorbed by the body. Citrus taste slightly sour, eat 1 hour before meals can promote appetite. You can also choose to eat hot, fresh pomelo and leave the skin to eat after the honey stewed with honey.

6, hawthorn steamed to eat - appetizers to promote digestion Hawthorn contains a lot of organic acids, acid, etc., eaten on the stomach have some stimulation, but also there will be "back teeth" situation. Steamed hawthorn has therapeutic effects of spleen and appetizers, digestion and stagnation, and blood circulation.

Method: Add the hawthorn to remove the nucleus and add rock sugar to the bowl. Steam it on the steamer for 15 minutes. Steamed hawthorn bright color, sweet and sour, can increase appetite and help digestion.

It should be reminded that not all fruits are suitable for boiled or boiled for too long, such as kiwifruit, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, etc. Cooking will cause the vitamin C in these fruits to be destroyed.

Dry winter weather can also eat sugar cane:

Sugar cane has nourishing heat and is rich in nutrients. As a cool tonic, it has a certain effect on hypoglycemia, dry stool, negative urination, nausea and vomiting, hypothermic cough and high fever and polydipsia. People who are overworked or hungry and dizzy, as long as they eat two cane will refresh their spirits. However, people with cold sugar cane, spleen-deficiency and abdominal pain are unfit for human consumption.

Winter helps digestion and nourishing to eat bananas:

Bananas are delicious, rich in vitamins, dietary fiber and potassium, magnesium, sodium and other minerals, can effectively protect the health of skin and hair, and can prevent stroke and high blood pressure. At the same time, there are calming sleep, laxative, lungs and cough, heat detoxification, help digestion and nourishing effect, is also very effective in weight loss.

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