What kind of fruit is good for stomach problems?

What kind of fruit is good for stomach problems? Pay attention to the general treatment of patients with stomach diseases, such as a reasonable rest system and eating habits, moderate rest, no smoking and drinking, banned coffee and strong tea. At the same time, the content of gastric acid should be reduced and the protection of the mucosal layer in direct contact with gastric acid should be enhanced. So, which fruits cause stomach troubles by eating on an empty stomach?


What kind of fruit is good for stomach problems?

1. Stomach diseases mainly rely on dietary aspects, such as diet, to select the appropriate fruit for different physiques. For patients with stomach problems, should eat sweet, warm or flat fruit, but can not eat or eat bitter, cold fruits.

2, sweet, sour, lukewarm fruits mainly litchi, cherries, such fruits have spleen Qi, warm in the stomach effect. For the weak spleen and stomach disease is more appropriate.

3, sweet, sour, flat fruit is mainly oranges, peaches, apricots, pomegranates, figs, grapes, apples, etc., these fruits have the effect of spleen and stomach, Qi and Sheng Jin, applied to the spleen and stomach, indigestion Wait for the patient.

4, bitter, sour, cool fruits are mainly oranges, grapefruit, persimmons, plums, bananas, pineapples, watermelons, sugar cane, kiwi, tomatoes, lemons, etc. Such fruits have the benefits of stomach and stomach, appetizers and other effects.

Which fruits eat on an empty stomach and cause stomach problems?

1, tomatoes: contains a lot of pectin, persimmon phenol, soluble astringent and other ingredients, if eaten on an empty stomach, these ingredients easily combined with gastric acid into insoluble lumps, once these lumps will be the export of the stomach - pylorus Blockage increases the pressure in the stomach, causing the stomach to dilate and cause pain.

2. Persimmon: Contains substances such as persimmon gum, pectin, tannic acid, and ruthenium, which have a strong convergence effect. Persimmon contains citric acid in the fasting stomach acid coagulation difficult to dissolve "persimmon stone." There are more tannin containing pomegranate, hawthorn, grapes, black dates and so on.

3, oranges: oranges contain large amounts of sugar and organic acids, eat oranges on an empty stomach, will stimulate the gastric mucosa, resulting in bloating, acid reflux.

4. Hawthorn: Hawthorn has a gas-elimination effect. If it is eaten on an empty stomach, the hawthorn contains a large amount of pectin and tannins, which will not only increase hunger but also aggravate stomach problems.

5. Pineapple: The proteolytic enzymes contained in the pineapple are quite strong. If you eat before meals, it is easy to cause stomach injury.

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