Puhuang plant morphology

Plant morphology

Basic form

Leaves flattened, linear, 4-10mm wide, slightly thicker and softer, lower sheathlike, spikelike cylindrical, 30-60cm long, male and female inflorescences 1 to 15 cm apart; male inflorescences above, 20 to 30 cm long, Slightly shorter than stigma, hairs caducous ascending, ca. as long as sepals, male flowers with cauldron-like bracts, calyx scalelike or hairy, stamens 2–3. The female inflorescence is 10-30 cm long. The female flowers are shorter than the stigma, spoon-shaped, quilted hairlike and small bracts. The stigma head is cylindrical and the small nuts have no groove. Flowering from June to July, fruiting period from July to August.


Puhuang knowledge introduction: Puhuang is the pollen of Typha latifolia, Typha latifolia, Oriental cattail, and Long cattail. Produced in all parts of China and produced in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui, Hubei and other places. From May to June, the male flowers on the inflorescence were harvested, dried, pressed, powdered, and used raw or fried. use. Born in pool, marsh, shallow water.

Production system: In the summer, the yellow male inflorescences on the top of the poplar rods are harvested, dried after rolling and screened for pollen.

Characters: Pollen is yellow powder. Lightweight, the water is floating in the water. Handkerchief has a sense of bone, easy to attach to the finger, gas micro, light taste.

Original form

1. Catharanthus leaves: Perennial herb, 1.5-3m high. Root pods, fibrous roots and more. Leaves narrowly linear, 5-8mm wide, up to 10mm. Flowers small, unisexual, monoecious; spikes long cylindrical, brown; male and female inflorescences free, male inflorescences in the upper, long 20-30cm, female inflorescences in the lower, long 9-28cm, with leafy bracts, Early fall; male flowers with blue 2-3, basal hair longer than anthers, filling a single or 2-3 minutes, pollen grains solitary; female flowers with small bracts, spoon-shaped, shorter than the stigma, hair down early, About equal length with small bracts, stigma linear or linear-annular. Ear diameter 10-15mm, nuts small, no groove, no cracking, separation under the outer skin. Flowering from June to July, fruiting period from July to August.

2. Wide-leaf cattail: The difference with the cattail is that the leaf is broad-lined, about 1m in length, 10-15mm in width, and the light is long and closed, and the base is sheath-shaped and clasping. Spikes cylindrical, male and female inflorescences tightly connected, male inflorescence at thousands of 15cm, female inflorescences of about 10cm, diameter of 2cm, with 2-3 leaf blade, caducous; male flowers with stamens 3-4 The pollen grains were 4-mer and the female flowers had no small bracts and had a white long hair of most base cattle. The ear is thick, the nuts are small, the water is often dry, and the outer skin is separated.

3. Oriental Cattail: The difference with the first two is that: leaf shape, width 5-10mm, base sheath-like amphibian. Derivation sequence columnar, male and female inflorescences connected to each other; male inflorescence on the top 3-5cm, male flowers with stamens 2-4, pollen grains in the single; female inflorescences in the next, 6-15cm in length, female flowers without small lice Slices, white hairy with many basal trichomes, hairs nearly as long as stigma, stigma spatulate, sterile pistil clubs. Nutlets have a longitudinal groove.

4. Long cattail: The difference with the above species is: leaf shape, width 6-15mm, base sheath, amplexicaul. Inflorescences terete, stout, male and female inflorescences up to 50 cm, female and male inflorescences separated; male inflorescences on, 20-30 cm long, male flowers with stamens 3, hair longer than anthers, pollen solitary; female inflorescences below, than The male inflorescence is short, the female sepals are nearly as long as the stigma, the stigma is oblong, and the sepals and stigma are longer than the stigmas. Small nuts without grooves

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