Internet medical treatment: although the platform is not obvious

Spring rain should be a medical e-commerce, and the clove garden should be a clinic. Both serve as a platform and gather some popularity. If this popularity is changed to the pure Internet industry, the platform effect will soon be converted into cash, advertising and online shopping will go up with the traffic, and the big platform is king. For example, the gathering effect of Tmall is so powerful that it is impossible for the small platform to come later. . But the medical industry is not like this.

First of all, medical care is not a soft demand, users will not be attracted by advertising to spend money, medical care is the actual hard demand, people who are not sick can not buy medicine, if they are sick, they will go to the doctor, and the doctor is to look at the disease. If you don't look good, look for something else. So strictly speaking, online traffic does not make much sense for medical treatment, because users are not loyal, their requirements are very practical, they will not look around casually, they will not find you when there is no demand.

For example, there are many doctors on the spring rain, and there are subsidies for answering questions, but the subsidies can't attract good doctors. Good doctors don't care about these subsidies, and they don't have the energy to do this. It is difficult to attract patients without a good doctor. Many patients have gone without solving the problem. If you can't stick to the user, the traffic on the platform can't be converted. On the contrary, the traffic may be migrated at any time. This is the risk.

Second, just because the user requirements are very practical, solve the problem and go, if you can't solve it, look for other things. The big platform can't sit back and relax, and the latecomers don't have no chance. Nowadays, the big platform has not yet provided a good service. How many people have solved the problem? In addition to helping the pharmaceutical company to do electronic marketing, how much service can the doctor platform provide? None of these problems have been resolved. If the latecomer can start from the service and actually help the patient solve the problem, then it is not as impossible as the Internet industry.

In fact, for hospitals, medicine and medicine must be divided, because the medicine is there, the doctor has the interest to lure. But outside the hospital, medicine and medicine can not be divided, because it is out of service, what to sell medicine?

Here you can see an example of this. CVS is one of the leading retail pharmacies in the United States. It does not count online and offline sales. CVS has more than 800 rapid clinics in the United States, MinuteClinic, which is a clinic. In fact, it is just a small place in the pharmacy to provide rapid treatment. Such as colds, mild foreign business, vaccination, pregnancy testing, skin allergies, chronic disease prescribing and other services; also includes some simple health management, such as weight loss, chronic disease regular review project. This fast clinic is focused on: fast and convenient. The service directly sticks to the user, and this traffic can really be turned into sales (selling drugs).

Chinese doctors are not free. Does the small clinic have a future? The answer is by no means. In this current phase of over-the-counter, multi-point practice is ok. The premise is to position the small clinic as a fast service to solve small problems and stable chronic diseases. It is possible to open the market with trusted doctors (not necessarily doctors) in some better hospitals. In this case, if the small clinic cooperates with the drug sales and orders directly in the pharmacy or the network, the traffic will actually be transformed.

Although the flow of the final conversion comes from offline, it is not said on the line. Online is still a very important entrance, and can be used as a guide, medical consultation, symptom self-test and other services.

In the final analysis, medical care is still unable to open up heavy assets. Pure Internet medical care can only be floated on the surface. To transform traffic, we still cannot escape the offline services. From this point of view, the clove garden has taken a step forward. If the future can link medical treatment, health services and drug sales, plus the benefits of prescription drugs, and the advancement of telemedicine , it may actually turn traffic into income. .

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