White Dew Sports Health

â—Ž The best way of exercise during the white dew season - jogging

In the mid-autumn period, exercise and health should conform to the yin and yang essence of the human body to support the internal support state, to avoid excessively intense exercise to prevent the loss of sweat and hurt the consumption of yang. In the white dew season, the weather became cooler and cooler, and people’s physiological functions were relatively weakened. At this time, the amount of exercise should be appropriately increased to enhance the heart and lung function and enhance the body’s ability to resist cold. Therefore, the "stable and appropriate" has become a feature of this season's sports and health, and the best sport to meet this characteristic is jogging.

Jogging is very good for our body. It can effectively improve heart function, ensure blood supply to the brain, reduce blood cholesterol levels, slow down cerebral arteriosclerosis, and maintain normal brain cell work. In addition, running can stimulate metabolism, increase the energy consumption of the body, and subtract excess body fat. Jogging has more benefits for the elderly. It can prevent senile muscular atrophy, obesity, and aging of heart and lung function, which will have a longevity. At the same time, jogging is equivalent to letting the body experience an "air bath." According to research data, it takes 1 to 2 hours a day to go outdoors, and about 40 minutes of jogging. During this period, a large amount of fresh air will be inhaled to increase the resistance and make people more energetic.

When jogging, it is necessary to relax, keep happy, be steady at every step, and use toes as far as possible. After the run, do not stop immediately, take a short walk, take a deep breath, and simply move your limbs to completely relax your muscles.

â—Ž Sports injuries should be "cold"

Sports are more and more respected by people, but if you are not careful during exercise, it is easy to have sports injuries.

What should I do after I have a sports injury? The doctor told us four principles: rest, ice, oppression, and elevation. First of all, rest can effectively prevent the injury from worsening. If you continue to exercise it will cause pain, bleeding or swelling and other symptoms; followed by ice, blood vessels in the injured area will shrink under cold stimulation, so as to avoid or reduce the bleeding and swelling, Compression of the proximal end of the bleeding site can slow down the blood flow to achieve hemostasis, which is mostly used for emergency hemostasis of larger arteries. Finally, elevation of the limbs can reduce edema in the affected area. The principle is similar to the flow of water to lower places. ".

If you are injured during exercise, besides the four principles recommended by your doctor, it is best not to proceed with treatment in order to avoid worsening or delaying treatment.

Intimate tips:

When running, avoid the hard ground. It is best to choose soft, thick rubber-soled shoes. Do not wear hard-soled shoes to cushion the impact on the feet. The shoelace should be slightly loose to prevent blood circulation in the foot. After running, it is best to use hot water bubble feet, to reduce the viscosity of the foot muscles, enhance the toughness of the joint ligaments, to avoid injury.

â—ŽYang Yin Cao

【Efficacy】Effect Yin and Evil, enhance the function of the spleen and stomach and help digestion.


1. Lying on the bed, place the palms of your hands on your lower abdomen, press the abdomen slowly and firmly against the lower part of your fingertips. When you reach the maximum intensity, hold for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat 5-10 times.

2. Hands and palms were placed on the lower abdomen respectively. The fingertips were placed relative to the umbilicus, from inside to outside, massaged from the abdomen to the chest, and then back to the abdomen, repeated 36 times; then from the outside to the inside, the reverse was repeated 36 times.


The above actions are done two hours after the meal.

â—Ž Spine exercises

【Efficacy】Improve physical condition and effectively relieve allergic rhinitis and asthma.


1. Take a comfortable sitting posture, feet together, feet straight forward, hands on the thigh. Bend your knees, lay your feet flat, and put your hands together on your chest.

2. The waist and abdomen drive the upper body to the left and the right hand elbow to the outside of the left knee. Then turn the upper body to the right and do the same exercises.

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