Five Shape Winter Solstice Tips

According to the physical characteristics of Chinese medicine, people are divided into wood, fire, earth, gold, water and other five elements. People of various constitutions have different tolerances for the seasons. Therefore, the five-person health of wood, fire, earth, gold, and water must start from their own physical characteristics in order to properly nurse them.

December 22 is the winter solstice and it is also an important solar term for traditional Chinese medicine health science. Experts pointed out that the winter solstice is a special day for the replacement of yin and yang, and Chinese medicine pays attention to the protection of the primordial yang. In addition to dietary conditioning, daily care and exercise should not be neglected.

The taste of winter solstice diet should reduce salty and increase bitterness, Bufeiyiwei, regulate kidney, you can choose beef, mutton, goat kidney, sea cucumber, etc., supplemented with walnuts, taro, wolfberry, lily, yam and other foods .

Experts stress that sleeping well before and after the winter solstice has an important role in health science. In addition to ensuring night-time sleep, you can take a nap after lunch, but you should avoid catching cold while you sleep. Second, we must pay attention to wind and cold. Once again, the winter solstice should be sun-dripping more during the day to facilitate the growth of yang.

In the winter solstice season, it is not advisable to carry out high-intensity physical exercises to avoid damaging yang. You can choose to perform movements such as Tai Chi and Ba Duan Jin.



Constitution - pale complexion, small head, long face, shoulder width, back straight, thin body, hand, foot and flexible, talented, hardworking. However, physical strength is not strong and there are many concerns. This kind of person adapts to the season, most of them are resistant to autumn and winter in spring and summer, and feel vulnerable to cold when the air is cold in autumn and winter.

Mutton, sorghum, lungs, stomach

Diet nursed back to health: may wish to eat more with lungs and stomach, replenishing liver and spleen and kidney foods, such as beef, lamb, glutinous rice, sorghum, gardenia, lily, Ligustrum lucidum, citrus aurantium, mulberry and so on.

Medicinal diet can choose "Zizi lamb porridge": 30 grams of wolfberry fruit, lamb 100 grams, 150 grams of rice, light blue, salt, monosodium glutamate the amount. Wash the dumplings. Wash the lamb and chop it. Wash the rice cleanly, add it to the casserole with lamb, wolfberry, and light blue, add appropriate amount of water, boil over high heat, boil over low heat, add MSG, salt, and raise liver and yang. effect.


Constitution - the skin is red, the shoulder is generous, the face is thin, the head is slightly smaller, the body is well-proportioned, the hands and feet are small, the steps are steady, the understanding of things is agile, and the shoulders and backs are shaken when walking. His personality is prone to anger, light wealth, lack of confidence, and more concern. He knows things clearly, loves beautiful people, and has an urgent personality. This kind of person adapts to the season, most of them are resistant to autumn and winter in spring and summer, and feel vulnerable to cold when the air is cold in autumn and winter.

Steamed Pork Filled with Liver and Spleen

Diet nursed back to health: You can eat foods that have qi and nourishing yin and replenishing liver and kidney, such as yam, lentils, lilies, wolfberry fruit, taro, mullet, chicken, duck, and so on.

Medicinal diet can choose "Taro porridge": 100 grams of fresh taro, 100 grams of rice, a little sugar. Wash the taro and cut it into small pieces. Put it in a casserole with the washed glutinous rice. Add some water and boil it. Turn it over until it becomes porridge. Add sugar, and boil it again. There is nourishing liver, spleen and kidney.

Soil-shaped people

Constitution - yellow skin, round face, large head, generous shoulders, large abdomen, legs sturdy, hands and feet are not large, full muscle, body shape, steady pace. Their inner peace, joy and help people, do not like to rely on power, and love to make friends. This kind of person adapts to the season, most of them are resistant to autumn and winter and are impatient with spring and summer, and feel vulnerable to illness in spring and summer.

Ginger juice into the stomach and stomach

Dietary Nursing: Steamed buns, potatoes, corn, sorghum, beef, mutton, chicken, quail, oysters, and other foods may have the effect of tonifying the liver and kidney, lungs and stomach.

Medicinal diet can choose "ginger beef rice": fresh beef 100 grams, ginger 5 grams, 500 grams of rice, soy sauce, peanut oil, the right amount. The fresh beef is chopped and chopped into a meaty dish, put on a saucer, then add ginger juice, mix well and add soy sauce and peanut oil and mix. Put the glutinous rice into the casserole, add the appropriate amount of water, and cook the rice as usual. When the water in the pot is dry, pour the beef into the rice and steam for about 15 minutes until the beef is steamed and cooked. Gas and stomach, kidney and spleen effect.

Gold person

Constitution - skin color is white, square face, straight nose and mouth wide, relatively thin body shape, but the shoulders are wide, thin limbs, quick action, breathing is gentle, broad-minded, visionary, self-sustaining, strong organizational, honest, Do things seriously. This kind of person adapts to the season, most of them are resistant to autumn and winter and are impatient with spring and summer, and feel vulnerable to illness in spring and summer.

Pine nuts, walnuts, Qi and spleen

Dietary Nursing: You can eat yam, corn, pine nuts, walnuts, Chinese wolfberry, peony root, Cordyceps sinensis, lily, and dodder seed, etc.

Medicinal diet can choose "Litchi yam lotus meat porridge": 15 dry lychee, yam, lotus meat, 15 grams, 150 grams of rice. Wash the first 3 tastes first, then add the glutinous rice to the casserole, add it to the casserole, add the appropriate amount of water, boil over the fire, and boil the porridge over low heat.

Shui Xingren

Constitution - the skin is darker, the head is larger, the crotch is wider, the waist and hip are larger, the fingers are short, the hair is dense and black, the body is fat, the dwarf, the abdomen is large, and the heat is cold and warm. Wisdom, dexterity, eloquence, joy, inspiration, fantasy, freedom, suspiciousness, jealousy, narrow mind. This kind of person adapts to the season, most of them are resistant to autumn and winter and are impatient with spring and summer, and feel vulnerable to illness in spring and summer.

Lily Angelica Spleen and Yin

Diet nursed back to health: You can eat foods that have liver and kidney tonic, warm stomach and nourishing yin, such as beef, angelica, carrot, lily, yam, Ligustrum lucidum, mulberry, etc.

Medicinal diet can choose "Yam mutton soup": lamb 500 grams, 50 grams of yam, 30 grams of light blue, ginger 15 grams, 6 grams of pepper, rice wine 20 grams, 3 grams of salt, MSG amount. Remove the mutton to the fascia, wash it, draw a few knives, and re-entry boiling water to remove blood. Wash the onion, ginger, and chop the onion and cut the ginger. After immersed in clear water, yam stalks are cut into 2 cm thick slices. Put the mutton and yam into the casserole and add the appropriate amount of fresh water. After boiling with a large fire, remove the floating foam and add scallions, ginger, pepper, and rice wine. Switch to a low heat and stew until the mutton is crispy. Remove the lamb and let cool. Slice the mutton into a bowl, then remove the onion and ginger from the original soup, add salt and monosodium glutamate, stir well, and pour into the mutton bowl together with the yam. Spleen and kidney, warm and warm effect.

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