Greenhouse Cucumbers Intercropping Bitter Gourd Technology

Bitter gourd is a heat-resistant crop with few pests and diseases. Using a greenhouse for cucumber cultivation of bitter gourd, fully utilize the greenhouse's leisure period, and increase the utilization rate of greenhouse facilities.

Variety selection

Cucumber was selected as the scion for the new Thai thorns, and black pumpkin was used as the rootstock for grafting. Bitter gourd uses strong growth, heat resistance, and fewer pests and diseases.


Cucumbers were raised before and after October 15, using the method of cutting roots. Black squash soaked in warm water at 50°C for 15 minutes before sowing, and soaked in warm water at 30°C for 3-4 days sowing. When the cucumber seedlings 3-4 cm, cotyledons can be grafted after deployment. Afterwards, the rooted cucumber seedlings were inserted into pre-prepared seedbeds. The grafted seedlings must be carefully managed and planted about 20 days after grafting. Bitter gourd was sowed before and after November 10th. The seeds were sown with warm water at 60°C for 15 minutes before sowing and soaked in warm water at 30°C for 12 hours. The fish were then wrapped in gauze and germinated at 30°C until 80%. The seeds are sown after germination.

Fertilization site preparation

Before the planting, the Mushi rotted chicken manure 2000-3000 kilograms, the cake fertilizer 100 kilograms, and the ternary compound fertilizer 50 kilograms. Deep plowing 30 cm. After leveling, it is ridged in a north-south direction. It is cultivated in high ridges with a ridge height of 10-15 cm.


When 3-4 true leaves of cucumber were planted when the leaves were unfolded, the row spacing was 80 cm, 50 cm, and the spacing between plants was 27-30 cm. Every 4 rows of cucumber leaves 1 row of bitter gourd nesting rows with a row width of 1.2 m. Bitter gourd. Bitter gourd is colonized with 4 true leaves with a spacing of 40 cm.

Temperature management

The greenhouse maintains 25-30°C during the day and 15-18°C during the night. In order to increase the cold-resistance ability of the plants, a 1% concentration of plant cold-resistance agent can be sprayed once at the time of emergence, flowering, and young fruit period.

Water and fertilizer management

Cucumbers are sowed in the early stage of root harvesting after watering the seedlings. Generally, they are not watered to control the roots. The initial stage of picking the melons to the whole period of the melons will be more watering, and they will be poured once every 10-15 days. Rainy and snowy days and cool weather are not watered. Watering is best at noon during the cold season. It is best to use well water. Bitter gourd should avoid pouring water before dumping vines. As the plants grow, the temperature gradually rises, and the amount of watering should be gradually increased. It is better to water every morning and night in the hot season.

Usually every other time, water, irrigation and application of compound fertilizer (or human excrement), each fertilizer amount of 10-15 kg per acre, and pay attention to increase carbon dioxide gas fertilizer.

Plant adjustment

The bitter gourd has strong branches, and the rate of female flowers on the main vines decreases with the rise of the nodes, and the yield depends mainly on the results of the female flowers in the first 1-4 sections. The pruning method is to maintain the growth of the main vines. All the side vines below the main vine are removed. After the main vine grows to a certain height, 2-3 robust side vines are left on the shelves together with the main vines. The vines, the melons stayed, and the festival was torn, and no melons were cut off.

Disease prevention and treatment

The main diseases of cucumber are downy mildew, anthracnose, and epidemic disease. The diseases of bitter gourd include spot disease and anthrax. For control of downy mildew and epidemic disease, 52% of chlorothalonil smoke agent is used, 250 grams of smoke per acre per time, or 64 times of antivirus 400 times spray; anthrax is sprayed with 80% anthrax 800 times.


The harvest period of cucumber is generally from the end of December to the end of May, and the harvest period of bitter gourd begins from the beginning of March to the end of October.

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