There is a coup in the storage of black sugar cane

Many newcomers don’t know how to keep fresh cane sugar? Today, the author here tells you about the storage and preservation method of black sugar cane!

In fact, the method is very simple. After our sugarcane is dug up, when we load the sugarcane on the car, we will spray it on the cane tail with imported preservatives (Schalke). This preservative can prevent water loss and allow the head of the cane to be removed. Department of white, looks very fresh, better selling, to prevent mildew, there is one that is pulled back after the sugar cane to place a cool place to avoid direct sunlight, this can reduce the volatilization of water, extend storage time. Of course, the best way to do this is to leave a five-inch tail when cutting sugar cane. This is the most useful way because the water in the cane is lost from the mouth cut off from sugarcane, and if we don't cut it, we take a few inches. If you can save sugar cane moisture better!


What are the functions of sugar cane that is so rich in nutrition?

1. Blood

The iron content of sugar cane is relatively high, and 100 grams of sugar cane contains 0.9 milligrams of iron. Therefore, sugar cane has the name of "blood fruit". For patients with iron deficiency anemia, they can eat sugar cane to supplement iron and thus supplement blood. Say that sugar cane has the effect of blood.

2. Heat and reduce heat

In traditional Chinese medicine, sugarcane is sweet and cold, with heat and fire-fighting, detoxification, nourishing yin and detoxification, and eliminating thirst-quenching effects. Therefore, it is appropriate to eat sugar cane in winter, because the winter is relatively dry, people are committed to tonic, Warm foods are easy to get angry when eaten too much, so consumption of sugar cane in winter can reduce heat and reduce heat.

3. Exercise teeth and mouth muscles

Sugar cane contains a lot of crude fiber, while sugar cane itself is relatively hard. When you eat sugar cane, you need to chew enough to chew sugar cane juice, so when you chew sugar cane, you can clean your teeth and prevent dental caries, and you can also exercise the oral cavity. Muscles make facial lines more vivid.

The sweet and refreshing fruit of sugar cane, most people like to eat, so who should not eat sugar cane?

Bad person

After all, sugarcane is relatively hard, that is, use a knife to cut into pieces, do not have to bite down one by one, but the sugar cane must be fully chewed in the mouth to be able to chewing sugar cane juice, so for people with bad teeth, this is a The burden may even cause toothache.

2. Gastrointestinal Deficiency

Sugarcane is cold and has the effect of heat-clearing and reducing heat, so sugar cane is a cold food. For people with stomach-deficiency, consumption of sugar cane may cause cold stomach and diarrhea. If sugar muste is used, it is recommended to use sugar cane and ginger. When boiled together, ginger can neutralize the coldness of sugarcane.

3. Diabetic patients

As mentioned before, sugar cane contains a lot of sugars, including fructose, sucrose, and glucose, and is easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, diabetics should not eat sugar cane.

Finally, the key to remind readers, moldy sugar cane must not eat, moldy sugar cane will be acute food poisoning after eating, because the mold in the sugar cane is the pathogen of the cleating moss, this is a fungus Molds produce 3-nitropropionic acid, which is a viral agent that causes certain damage to the body's nervous system. Therefore, if the sugarcane has a red or black appearance, such sugarcane should not be eaten as much as possible. It may have become mildew sugar cane.

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