Introduction of meat sheep should pay attention to

To import from qualified farms strictly in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and from non-infected areas, the imported sheep farms must have a kind of animal husbandry and poultry production license and an animal epidemic prevention certificate, and the imported sheep must have a quarantine certificate. Certificates and pedigree files.

Identifying the age The age of the introduced sheep is judged by the teeth. The teeth of the young sheep are white and small, and the teeth of the adult sheep are yellow and large. Todentify the age of the sheep with the teeth, the main look at the sheep's jaw 4 pairs of incisors, the middle pair of incisors, teeth on both sides of the internal teeth, outward for the outer teeth, the outermost pair of caries. At the age of 1 year and a half, the goat teeth were replaced by permanent cutting teeth, the middle teeth aged 2 to 5 years were replaced, the middle and middle teeth were replaced at the age of 3, and the teeth aged 4 years old were replaced. After the age of 5, the size of the teeth was reduced according to the gap between the teeth. The degree of wear and the condition of the teeth were judged to be over 6 years old and the gingiva recessed, the teeth sloping forward, the crown of the teeth became narrow, and the roots of teeth aged 7-9 years old gradually fell off.

Observation of sheep's health status According to the sheep's body appearance, lyrics and other characteristics, determine the purity and health of the species. Healthy sheep lively and lively, bright eyes and eyes, shiny hair, strong appetite, normal breathing and body temperature, strong limbs and strong, sick sheep are scattered hair, rough and dull, eyes are apathetic, drowsy, loss of appetite, Shortness of breath, increased body temperature, illness on the body surface and limbs.

Note that transporting safe transport vehicles should be thoroughly disinfected. Imported sheep should not be exposed to cloven-hoofed animals such as cattle during shipment and transportation.

After isolation, the herds should be isolated and reared for 20-30 days after introduction. During this period, observations and quarantines should be conducted. Only when they are healthy can they be reared in groups.

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