Is the enzyme fertilizer really so good?

Is the enzyme fertilizer really so good? The correct method of use can achieve the effect. Recently, fruit enzymes and environmental enzymes have been popular for their "decathlon". Fruit and vegetable enzymes can lose weight, as well as lowering blood sugar and so on. Environmentally friendly enzymes are natural organic fertilizers, detergents, and have herbicidal and insecticidal effects. However, is the "universal" enzyme really so magical?

Is the enzyme fertilizer really so good?

According to the online tutorial, “Nash”, a “hardcore” vegetable enthusiast, has made a variety of enzymes using a variety of fruits and vegetables such as lemon and pomegranate. After more than a year of practice, it has been used to grow vegetables with environmentally friendly enzymes. Effective, but not "universal." "Summary can be roughly three points. The first enzyme is not a fertilizer, just an enzyme. Secondly, the enzyme does not kill insects, but it has a good deworming effect. At the same time, the undiluted enzyme is a natural herbicide, but Be careful when watering the flowers."

It is a herbicide and a fertilizer, and the enzyme is a "contradictory body".

It is very simple to make enzymes. The commonly used method is to wash fruits and vegetables (or peels, vegetable skins, etc.) into pieces, mix a certain proportion of sugar and water, put them in a cleaned container, seal the mouth, After a week or two in a cool place, you can get the "enzyme" liquid. This is basically consistent with the process of making kimchi in Sichuan.

According to the introduction of the fruit shell network, the enzyme is called the Japanese name. In China, there is actually a very "earth" name - "enzyme", and the production process is a natural fermentation principle (because the method is sealed and stored after the raw material is added with sugar).

"Many people say that enzymes are natural organic fertilizers. In fact, this is not the case. If you apply it as organic fertilizer, plants will die," Nana told reporters.

It is understood that undiluted enzymes are good natural herbicides that can effectively remove weeds. If it is used as a fertilizer, it should be used after dilution, and the degree of dilution should be well grasped, otherwise the effect will be counterproductive.

Nana had a painful lesson. Because she hoped that the camphor tree grew well, she used several times to dilute the enzyme to water it. As a result, the camphor tree that had just sprouted was poured.

“I think it's more like a herbicide than an organic fertilizer. But if you want to use it as a fertilizer, you can add it to the bucket of manure, which can effectively remove the smell of manure and increase it. Fertilizer effect," Nana said.

Enzyme is an insect repellent rather than an insecticide

Enzymes can kill insects, many food friends, flower friends have heard, so what is the actual effect? ​​According to the practice of another vegetable friend "Flower Room", the enzyme repellent effect is stronger than insecticide.

"The insecticide experiment was carried out with enzyme for three months. The results showed that although the enzyme can kill some insect pests, such as slugs, it is not good to use it to directly kill various pests, for example, it is not harmful to aphids. Large, but the transformation of the soil especially strengthens the active bacteria and beneficial bacteria in the soil, so the enzyme insecticide is better than insecticide.” The vegetable friend “Huajian” told the reporter that she would be forty in three months. The soil of the seven foam boxes was mixed with enzymes, and there were a few pests in the adjacent foam boxes that were not mixed with enzymes.

According to the understanding, although the enzyme is not a fertilizer, it is an active enzyme. Its main function is to improve the soil, further ferment some organic components in the soil, make the soil fertile, suitable for plant growth, and not easy to grow. insect.

This article URL: Is the enzyme effect really good?

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