What to eat today?

What do you eat in 2014?

入 馄饨 馄饨 appetizer

As the saying goes: The tail of July, the prelude of August; the weather also entered the season, how can we deal with it during the summer? First of all, we should start from the diet. What to eat in different areas is different. . The North eats noodles in Futian, and eating Dumplings at the head of the Vulcan has also become a tradition. The southerners did not eat as much as they did in the North, but they are different, and they are different. "Hangzhou" Fufu ham chicken "Nanchang" head to eat chicken Erfu duck, Hunan and Jiangxi neighbors, the first V is to eat chicken. The Shanghainese usually like to eat big oysters, and they still eat big oysters, showing their frugal customs. What Hangzhou people eat is the famous Zhejiang Jinhua ham, which is also reasonable.

It is a traditional practice to eat dumplings at the head, because every day, people's appetites are not good, and they cannot eat anything. Dumplings are just an appetizer in the traditional Chinese customs.


Into the volt

"The June soup was eaten in June and it was named evil." May is the evil month, and June is also evil on the side of the moon. Therefore, it should also "defend evil." This is a superstitious statement. The new wheat flour is used to cook soup, and after eating, it is sweaty. The new food is rich in nutrients and sweating can drive the disease. It is scientifically reasonable to have soup in June. In addition to drinking hot noodle soup, Futian can also eat the water. Bring the boiled noodles out with cold water, mix with garlic, and pour the salt, not only to stimulate appetite, but also "smell fire." Volt can also eat "fried noodles." The so-called fried noodles is to fry the flour with a pan, fry it, and then mix it with water and sugar. This way of eating Han Dynasty already exists. It was more common in the Tang and Song dynasties, but it was first fry the wheat kernels and then grated them. Su Gong, a medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty, said that fried noodles can be used to "resolve irritation, stop leaking, and create a large intestine."

Volt eat vegetable nutrition

Into the sky, people are most likely to have no appetite; vegetables are the best choice at this time, this time a pumpkin seafood salad is a good choice; pumpkin seafood salad plate itself with Mediterranean beauty, pumpkin The color is very full, ripe and sweet, and the big scallops are sweet and elastic. The vegetables are cool and crisp. The color of the ingredients in the salad bowl shows a strong contrast, and the appetite is so fresh.

The principle of summer cooling: refreshing vegetables, seafood nutrition

Eat more melon vegetables. The moisture in vegetables is natural, clean, nutritious, and biologically active water that is filtered through multiple layers of biofilms and is incomparable and replaceable by any factory-produced drinking water. Summer is also the peak season for the market of melons. Their common feature is that the water content is above 90%%. The moisture content of wax gourd ranks highest among all dishes, up to 96%%, followed by cucumber, gourd, gourd, chayote, pumpkin, bitter gourd, watermelon and so on.

Food suitable for eating

The best condiment - vinegar, sweating more summer, eat more vinegar, can increase the concentration of stomach acid, help digestion and absorption, and promote appetite. Vinegar also has a strong ability to inhibit bacteria and has a preventive effect on typhoid, diarrhea and other intestinal infectious diseases. People in the summer are tired, sleepy, etc. Eat more vinegar and will soon relieve fatigue and maintain plenty of energy.

The best vegetable, bitter vegetables, is characterized by high humidity and high humidity in summer, which often leads to mental embarrassment, fatigue, and lack of appetite. At this point, eating bitter vegetables is of great benefit. Bittersweet vegetables are rich in alkaloids, amino acids, bittersin, vitamins and minerals that have the functions of relieving summer heat, reducing fever, removing irritability, refreshing and strengthening the stomach. Bitter gourd, bitter herbs, lettuce, celery, dandelion, lotus seeds, lilies, etc. are all good products to choose from.

The best soup - tomato soup, summer soup and tomato soup can get both nutrients, but also add water, two birds with one stone. Lycopene contained in tomato soup has certain anti-prostate cancer and heart protection effects, and is most suitable for middle-aged and old men.

The best meat - duck, duck is not only rich in protein, and because it is a waterfowl, but also has nourishing yin, nourishing the stomach, spleen tonic, dampness effect.

The best drink - hot tea, can not be separated from the beverage in summer, the preferred beverage should be a very ordinary hot tea. Black tea is rich in potassium, both quench thirst and lack of solution.

The best nutrient - vitamin E, people in the summer will encounter three major dangers, namely, strong sunshine, ozone and fatigue, and vitamin E can minimize these three dangers. Vitamin E is found in malt, bran bread, walnut mud, and dairy products.

The three major dietary principles

The most important thing that the common people remember when they arrive is: Dog days, what to eat? There is an old saying: "The first volt dumplings two volt surface, three volt pancake roll eggs." The meaning of eating dumplings, pancakes, and noodles in the sky is to remind people that, in addition to the joy of food after the summer wheat harvest, the summer diet is not too impractical, and you should often condolence yourself and eat more protein and B vitamin-rich foods. . Because of the high temperature in the summer and sweating, many protein amino acids are lost, and a large amount of B vitamins, potassium, sodium and other minerals are lost. Eating noodles is more conducive to nutritional supplementation. What to eat specifically, mainly to master the four main points: more acid and more Gan, qi to heat, fresh clean, replenish water health.

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