How to prevent root rot in the cultivation of green onion

How to prevent root rot in the cultivation of green onion ? The root rot of scallions is similar to the root rot and is a fungal disease. It is a disease caused by various pathogens such as Pythium, Fusarium, and Phytophthora. The diseased onion leaves turn yellow, then shrink and die, the roots and stems become black and rot, and the roots gradually necrosis, eventually leading to dead seedlings and dead trees. Under normal circumstances, after the accumulation of water or flooding in the onion ditch, when the temperature is high, the incidence is heavy.

Control measures include:

  1. The plots that have been planted with green onions for many years should be rotated with other crops, taking care not to rotate with garlic or leeks.
  2. Scientifically and rationally apply base fertilizer and top dressing, pay attention to the application of organic fertilizer, generally apply 3,000-5,000 kilograms of organic fertilizer per acre. Phosphate fertilizer has better calcium effect. Topdressing should use a combination of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers or compound fertilizers.
  3. Before the green onion is cultivated, the biological fertilizer can be applied with water, or the root can be filled with 58% of metalaxyl manganese zinc 600-800 times liquid or 70% of frost urea cyanide manganese zinc 800-1000 times liquid, and then the soil is cultivated. After the soil is cultivated, if the diseased plant is found, it is necessary to open the ridge soil in time, and apply 72% Plex 800 times solution and 96% carbendazim 3000 times solution for root irrigation. For pests such as cockroaches and onion mites, insecticides such as phoxim particles and chlorpyrifos granules can be used for prevention and treatment.
  4. Drainage and cultivating in time after rain to increase the permeability of the roots of the scallions.

Heavy sputum is the key factor causing root rot of scallions. Due to continuous planting for many years, the number of pathogenic bacteria in the soil increases, and the disease is inevitable, which is very easy to cause rot of the scallions. If the soil moisture is too large when the soil is cultivated, it will affect the normal breathing of the roots, and the plant's own resistance will decrease, which will aggravate the occurrence of the disease.

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