The most nutritious woman's food recommended

What do women eat? Women's diet is not only to ensure good health, but also to play a role in beauty. Today, the seven kinds of foods introduced by Xiao Bian have an unexpected benefit for women. The beauty-conscious women come and see what foods they have.

Women eat 7 foods that are healthy

Aloe vera: also known as “green gold in nature”. Since the 1980s, there has been “aloe vera fever” in the world. We have not found any kind of plants such as aloe vera with whitening, moisturizing, sunscreen, freckle, detoxification, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, Analgesic, hair care, hair healing, wound healing and other full-featured effects, have a special effect on the treatment of acne.


Jujube: Known as “iron crops” and “woody grain”, also known as jujube, it is also called “five fruit” with peach, plum, apricot, and plum (or chestnut). Vitamin content is extremely high. Three dates, I is not the old, "also known as" natural vitamin pills, continuous eating red dates, the speed of recovery 3 times the vitamin drug alone.

Lotus Root: The root leaves and flower must be rich in fruit, rich in starch, protein, vitamin C and B1, and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other inorganic salts, the most in line with human needs, replenishing qi and blood, enhance immunity, easy to digest, suitable for young and old , Chinese medicine called "the main fill in repose, benefit Qi", the festival is short, thick as well, count from the tip of the second quarter of the best.

Longan: "Southern Longan North Ginseng", also known as Longan (Guiyuan, Yuanrou), "Dabu Qixue, Lishengshengqi", "Food is expensive for Litchi, and capital is Good for Longan" ("Materia Medica" Compendium"), different from the damp heat of litchi, can be used as medicine, Qi, nourishing the nerves, suitable for production (disease) after the adjustment, can inhibit uterine cancer cells.

Carrots: also known as bamboo shoots, "soil ginseng," has a slight and persistent sweating effect, stimulating the skin's metabolism, promote blood circulation, make the skin delicate, smooth, ruddy, American scientists believe that eating two or three carrots a day can make cholesterol Decreasing 10-20% helps prevent heart disease and tumors.

枸杞: Vitamin C, β-carotene, iron content higher than oranges, carrots, steaks, “Spring pick wolfberry leaves, the name fine grass; Xia Caihua, the name Changshengcao; Qiutizi, the name wolfberry; Winter mining roots, The name of the place is "bone skin," and the folk song "Junxing is a thousand miles away. Mo food is good." It can greatly stimulate sexual function. It is not appropriate to leave home and travel home.

Walnut: also known as walnuts, flat peaches, and almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and called the "four major nuts," the West is known as "fruit puzzle", "Hercules food", "nutritious nut", Oriental as "longevity As a result, the American Dietetic Association recommends eating walnuts two or three times a week, especially among middle-aged people and women.

So what are the principles of women's diet?

The principle of daily diet for women

Potassium and other foods reduce the rate of stone formation. Women can increase potassium intake in life and reduce the risk of gallstones. We don't have to be confused about the fact that we can't find foods containing potassium. There are actually many, potassium-containing foods include peaches, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, soybeans, beans, and peanuts. So more cricket foods. There are halibut, tuna, salmon, milk, yogurt, cereals, and more. Use 100 grams of fish meat instead of three tons of beef or poultry meat per week. In particular, eat octopus-rich herring, mackerel, sardines, and tuna.

Meat dairy products can not be less. When women arrange their own meals, we recommend at least one skimmed milk or yogurt for each meal. For some fish or skinless chicken or turkey breast, beans, nuts and other high-protein low-fat and low-cholesterol foods are also suitable for their own. In the diet of life, there are at least two kinds of high-fiber foods such as whole wheat breads, cereals, and fresh fruits.

There are plans for delicious meals. When we are on a food plan, it is best to make a record and see if something is too much to eat. You can also use a small plate, eat slower, and wait 5 minutes after eating to eat.

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