Autumn walnut tree pruning strategy

During the pruning period, the walnut tree suffered a bad flow and was not suitable for pruning. Pruning in autumn is the most suitable. The saplings are fruitless and can be trimmed from late August. The adult trees are harvested before and after the harvest and the leaves have not yet yellowed. Brushing the fruit tree brush ring on the fruit tree is a glue wrapping around the tree part (waist). It can strengthen the tree bar with more fruits and increase the load (back strength). Adjustable nutrient flow. Cut off the feeding and feeding lines of the tree pests and dried up the source of the disease.

Pruning method, thinning off dense branches and handling the back branches. In accordance with the principle of weakening and keeping strong, timely removal of dense branches. Spraying plant electronic fertilizers to improve cell division, molecular synthesis, and nutrient-matching digestion levels, accelerate the metabolism frequency, and activate the plant nutrient system to produce superior fertilizer effects.

To protect the wound, pruning the mouth should be promptly painted anti-corrosion film to protect the healing of the wound tissue to prevent the invasion of bacteria, while applying general tree maintenance + hibernation on the trunk, improve the quality of hibernation, so that plants "early bed and get up early" for early winter plants wake up Develop vigorously to accumulate strong spiritual energy. Insulation anti-freeze prevents the germs from landing and tree propagation, and protects the walnut trees safely in winter.

Double Packed Yellow Waxy Corn Cob

The most common waxy and sweet corn market, waxy corn nutrient content is higher than ordinary corn, contains 70-75% starch (and almost all amylose), more than 10% protein, 4-5% fat and 2% multivitamin, has more grain, VA, VB1, VB2 than rice protein, fat and VB2 highest content. Yellow corn also contains carotenoids like rice and wheat. The molecular weight of glutinous corn starch is more than 10 times smaller than that of ordinary corn. The starch makes glutinous rice sticky and soft, which is softer than that of ordinary hard corn. It has more than 20 percent more digestibility than regular corn and is suitable for people with irregular teeth. At the same time, the amylose (a polysaccharide) content is very high, not suitable for diabetics.

Waxy corn is also called sticky corn. The grain has a coarse, waxy endosperm that resembles a glossy, transparent grain, such as a hard, dented corn. Its chemical and physical properties are controlled by a recessive gene located on chromosome 9. 100% of the starch in the endosperm is amylose.


Double Packed Waxy Corn Cob

Glutinous Corn,Yellow Corn Cob,Corn On The Cob,Double Packed Yellow Waxy Corn Cob

Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,