Winter Solstice Health Nuts: Almond Cough Walnut Kidney

The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. At this time, "Yin is extremely prosperous and debilitating," and life activities begin to decline from prosperity to change from static to dynamic. Various kinds of nuts have begun to "become wildly" and become our partners for the winter. Indeed, Chinese medicine believes that nuts tend to be warm and warm, and it is easy to get angry in other seasons, and in the cold winter, it is "send in the snow." In addition, most of the nuts can make up the kidney, and the corresponding "kidney" of the corresponding organ in the winter just echoes. The right amount of edible nuts is the tip of the winter solstice regimen.

Almonds: It is rich in zinc, magnesium, potassium, iron and other minerals, its calcium content is the highest of all nuts, amino acid types are also very complete. From the point of view of medicinal use, almonds are commonly used traditional Chinese medicines, which have the effect of relieving cough and phlegm and laxative. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" considers that it has three functions: "wet lungs, eliminating product stagnation, and stagnant gas". There are benefits. Regular consumption also has longevity, lower cholesterol, and protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular function. Eating almonds does not pick "persons", about 20 grams a day is appropriate, but it is best to avoid eating diarrhea.

Walnut: It is rich in protein, fat, minerals, and B vitamins and vitamin E and other nutrients, have the role of preventing cell aging, brain, enhance memory and delay aging. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that walnuts are sweet and warm and have "brown hair, solid essence, cure dryness, and work of regulating blood." Eat about 20 grams of walnuts every day, can kidney essence, lungs and cough, phlegm Dingchuan, Shun Qi blood. Whether raw food, fried foods, or the preparation of cakes, candy, etc., are a good choice, but be careful not to remove the brown thin skin on the surface.

Chestnut: Chestnut has the reputation of "king of dried fruit" and is a kind of nourishing medicine that is "affordable". Unlike other nuts, it has 3 to 4 times more carbohydrates than other nuts, and has relatively less protein and fat. It is also rich in many vitamins such as carotene, riboflavin, and vitamin C. Chestnut sweet, warm, there is kidney strength, spleen and stomach, blood to stop bleeding effect, apply to kidney, Yaoxisuanruaneng, bone pain, hematuria, bloody stool embolism. Chestnuts can not be eaten too much at a time, about 30 grams a day is appropriate, people with high fat and high blood fat should not eat.

Hazelnuts: Hazelnuts have unique health benefits. They have a low sodium content but high mineral content and are a good source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium minerals. Eating about 30 grams a day has a positive effect on balancing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, and bone growth. Chinese medicine believes that hazelnuts are flat, sweet, and have a good taste in the spleen and stomach. They are used to regulate the middle and appetizing, nourish qi and blood, and show the purpose of eyesight. They are particularly suitable for poor appetite, fatigue, body weight loss, physical weakness, and unclear vision. people. Old people and children eat hazelnuts, but also help protect the nervous system.

Peanut: Peanut has a very rich protein content. It provides more than half of the body's daily required protein per 100 grams of peanuts, as well as a wealth of dietary fiber, magnesium, iron, zinc, and other nutrients. "Supplement to Compendium of Materia Medica" records that "peanuts pleasing spleen and stomach, lungs and phlegm, nourishing qi, Qingyan itching," often eat nourishing blood, spleen and lungs, moisturize the skin effect, also for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular Helpful. It should be noted that peanuts are best eaten together with skin (ie, red clothes), which can enhance the effect of nourishing blood and stopping bleeding. It is advisable to eat about 20-30 grams each time, bruises, poor digestion, and gallbladder. People who have had resection or severe bile disease should not eat too much.


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