A new breakthrough in wearable medical treatment Embrace watches can detect epilepsy

Due to the singularity of wearable devices, they are often only enjoyed by sports enthusiasts. However, as the industry continues to evolve, wearable devices will be of greater value in the medical field. Recently, a foreign smart watch called Embrace appeared on Indiegogo, a foreign crowdfunding platform, to prevent epileptic seizures.

Embrace was designed and developed by the Empatica team led by Professor Rosalind W. Picard of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Previously, Empatica was dedicated to developing wearable devices for the medical industry . During the development of Embrace, Empatica collaborated with Pearl Studios and the designers of Misfit Shine to design products that look and function equally well.

Embrace's body is made of brushed metal and the wrist is available in fabric and leather. Embrace analyzes stress levels by tracking the user's skin electrical activity (EDA) and accurately predicts upcoming epilepsy. It is worth mentioning that Embrace can also measure brain wave suppression and measure the risk level of epileptics accordingly.

Introduction to Embrace

Similar to similar products, Embrace is also equipped with gyroscopes and accelerometers to track user activity levels. Embrace's crowdfunding price is $190 (about RMB 1,169), and the development team promises that for each Embrace sold, a free piece will be given to the patients in need.

Editor's comment: The Empatica team, deeply rooted in the medical industry, is able to create such beautiful and functional wearable devices. I have to admire the care and patience of every engineer. Believe that Embrace can bring major changes to the medical industry, and a sales model full of love and hope will allow them to raise more funds.

Phenibut FAA

Preparation of Fenebute

1. Prepare the first intermediate

Benzaldehyde and ethyl acetoacetate into ethanol, stir at room temperature under the catalysis of organic alkali reaction with filter cake filtration after 45 ~ 50 h, after the completion of the filter with ethanol elution filter cake, dry cake solids, then ethanol filtrate concentrated to a quarter of the original volume, to cold, concentrate filtering alcohol washing, solid, merging two solid is the first intermediate; The mole ratio of benzaldehyde, ethyl acetoacetate and ethanol is 1:2.5 -3:12-15.

2. Prepare the second intermediate

The first intermediate is added to the mass concentration of 20% sodium hydroxide solution, and the reaction is stirred at 85-90°C for 2-5 hours. After filtration, the filter cake is used for filtration. After filtration, the filter cake is washed, the filtrate is combined and cooled, and the filtrate is cooled by stirring for 3h. Solid second intermediate; The mass ratio of the first intermediate to the sodium hydroxide solution is I: 1.8-2.0;

3. Prepare the third intermediate

The second intermediate was dissolved in pure acetic anhydride solution for reflux 3 ~ 5h. After the reflux, the acetic anhydride was concentrated and dissolved with toluene. After the dissolution, ammonia water was added, and the reaction took place at 60_65°C for 1 ~ 1.5 h. Filtrate, wash and dry the precipitated solid to get the solid third intermediate; The mass ratio of the second intermediate, pure acetic anhydride solution, toluene and ammonia water is 5:1-1.2:0.5-0.8:0.5-0.8;

4. Prepare Finebute

The third intermediate was dissolved in 25% sodium hydroxide solution and cooled to _5°C ~ 10°C. After cooling, sodium hypochlorite was added slowly within 15-20min for 1h reaction, followed by ice bath reaction of 0.5 ~ 1.5 h and water bath reaction of 0.5 ~ 1.5 h. Finally, the temperature was gradually increased to 60 ~ 80°C for 1-5 h, and the reaction was cooled again after completion. After cooling, hydrochloric acid was added in the ice water bath to adjust the PH to 2, and the decolorization was stirred at room temperature. After filtration, sodium hydroxide was added in the ice water bath to adjust the PH to 6-7, and the cooling was stirred for 2 hours. The mass ratio of the third intermediate, sodium hydroxide solution and sodium hypochlorite is 1.0:0.8-1.0:1.0-1.1.

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