New respiratory testing equipment for early diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children

Release date: 2014-11-28

Scientists have recently developed a respiratory test that can detect early signs of type 1 diabetes in children before symptoms appear.

Researchers at the University of Oxford are developing handheld devices that can quickly diagnose this autoimmune disease and save many lives.

Unlike type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes is not caused by lifestyle and diet. It is caused by genetic factors, the body can not produce insulin for normal blood sugar regulation.

There are 400,000 type 1 diabetes patients in the UK, usually in children and adolescents. A quarter of patients will soon get worse and blood sugar levels will collapse.

Scientists hope that this new discovery will diagnose the disease earlier and reduce the risk of childhood progression to diabetic ketoacidosis, which often leads to coma and even death.

Researchers have discovered a chemical that is produced in children with diabetes, giving them a faint pear flavor.

Although diabetes is identified by odor alone, they have developed a method to detect this chemical in children's breath, enabling accurate and early diagnosis of diabetes.

Researchers at Oxford University You have found that children with low insulin levels in 113 children and adolescents with diabetes at 18 Oxford University Children's Hospitals produce ketone bodies in their breath with a hint of pear. This substance is an early feature of diabetic ketoacidosis.

Scientists hope to use this discovery to develop a hand-held breath analyzer that can be used for early detection of children with early symptoms. Blood tests are usually also detectable, but doctors and children are more willing to take a breath test.

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund is excited about this breakthrough. The device can be used not only for the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, but also for the time when the child is diagnosed with the disease.

Original link: http://

Source: Kexun Medical Network

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