7 kinds of vegetables to eat more fat

The various health benefits of eating more vegetables have been widely recognized by people. Nutrition experts recommend that we “have fruits every day, have vegetables in Duntunn”, and it is best to eat more than a pound, which shows how high the status of vegetables. Vegetables provide abundant vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and various phytochemicals that can effectively prevent obesity and many chronic diseases. However, some mistakes in eating vegetables will not only fail to achieve the desired effect, but will also eat more fat. This article counts seven wrong ways of eating vegetables:


1. The final picking of vegetables in shabu-shabu, especially leafy vegetables and fungi, has a large contact area with the oil soup and will absorb large amounts of oil. If it is a spicy pot, the situation is even more serious. It is recommended that you pick vegetables in order to make meat. If it is not convenient to do so (not a pot), then after picking the meat, choose radish, melon, potato, scallion, kelp and other oil-absorbent vegetables instead of leaves. dish.

2, in order to improve the taste and color, use too much oil cooking, even over oil, fried. Fresh vegetables, dried beans, aubergine, fried potatoes, etc., especially the restaurant's vegetables, in order to maintain good sales, have to go through the oil treatment. It is recommended to use cooking methods such as boiled, steamed, soup, garlic, raw mix, or a small amount of oil.

3, starchy vegetables, there is no corresponding reduction in the proportion of staple foods. Some root vegetables such as pumpkin, lotus root, yams, potatoes, taro, chestnuts, etc., although belonging to the category of vegetables, but the starch content is high, the calories are not low, for example, the heat of 5, 6 large chestnuts is equivalent to a bowl rice. A chestnut chicken makes it easy to eat a few chestnuts. Therefore, when starchy vegetables are eaten as a partial substitute for staple foods, they can also increase the intake of various vitamins and minerals, but they must be steamed or baked.

4. Add too many salad dressings to salads. The salad dressing looks unremarkable. In fact, it is an energy bomb. Most salad dressings have fat content of more than 70%. Two tablespoons of salad dressing are eaten, which equals one day's intake of fat. The amount is excessive, and they are all saturated fats. It is recommended to replace salad dressing with yoghurt or sweet noodle sauce. Yogurt can supplement protein and calcium. Sweet noodle sauce is low in calories and has a good taste. It also enriches B vitamins.

5, vegetables as a side dish used in heavy taste dishes, such as Chongqing roast fish, bean sprouts, cabbage, etc., fish flavored pork in the silk, green pepper wire, bamboo shoots, black fungus, etc., Shuizhu meat in the small canola, Flammulina velutipes, bean sprouts and so on, have lost the natural taste of vegetables, lost a lot of vitamins, and a lot of oils and spices have become high-calorie, highly appetizing dishes, virtually leading to excessive intake of calories. Regardless of whether it is for weight loss or health considerations, such a heavy-tasting dish should be eaten as little as possible, and vegetables are even more violent objects.

6, Roberts cooking methods, such as wire yam, sweet potato and so on. The practice of wire drawing is nothing more than to fry it first and then fry it with sugar, and it is extremely cruel to turn yam and laxative sweet potatoes into a high-calorie, high-fat and high-sugar unhealthy food. The process of frying results in B vitamins, vitamin C, beta-carotene and other nutrients are lost in large quantities, and trans fatty acids, acrylamides and other unhealthy substances have also been added. It is recommended that such vegetables be cooked by steaming, boiling, stewing, and baking.

7, in order to lose weight to eat a lot of oil-free, cold vegetables, resulting in the lack of protein, essential fatty acids and other nutrients, excessive dietary fiber will affect the absorption of minerals, long-term so eat easily hurt the spleen, stomach, liver and other organs, resulting in fat Metabolism is blocked, forming a fat physique or even fatty liver. No matter how good things can not be eaten too much, it is recommended that the daily vegetables should be about 500 grams (raw weight), not more than 1,000 grams, and the green leaves should be half of the best, and the meat and vegetables should be used together to ensure balanced nutrition and suitable calories.

Freeze-dried Half Of Fruit

Freeze-drying powder process includes: fresh fruit selection - cleaning - cutting - blanching - cooling - drying - grinding beating - gel grinding - sterilization - pre-freezing - vacuum freeze-drying - ultra-fine grinding - weighing packaging - testing - finished product.

Firstly, fresh and mature fruits with good quality were selected in the pre-treatment area of the food lyophilizer, and the leaves were removed to remove impurities. Then, preliminary cleaning and simultaneous sterilization of fruit surface were carried out. After sterilization, the fruits were cleaned and drained again. After the drain, the fruit is sliced and treated by blanching process. After the color preservation, the fruit is treated by pulping, and then pasteurized. The pretreatment process is finished before lyophilization.

The processing core of freeze-drying powder is the equipment area of food freeze-drying machine. After pre-treatment, the fruit enters the equipment of food freeze-drying machine and crystallizes into a solid state at low temperature, and then sublimates and dries in a vacuum environment to obtain freeze-drying products with little water content. Freeze-dried products out of the warehouse into the food freeze-dried post-processing area, ultrafine grinding, and then according to the need to do weighing packaging, after testing the finished products packed into storage.


Freeze-Dried Half Of Fruit,Mulberry Fruit Powder,Freeze Orange Powder,Raspberry Freeze Dried Powder

Shaanxi HuiKe Botanical Development Co.,Ltd , https://www.oasis-hk.com